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Even before he decides to go outside, the boy feels something was wrong.

He always knew that something was off. His father calls it his Spidey sense, his mother natural instinct. Either way, something's pulling him to the back door of the two story Colonial, and it won't stop until he sees what's wrong.

"Where are you going?" his mother asks him as he passes her.

"Outside," the boy replies. "I think something's wrong."

He knows that his mother doesn't like it when he follows the instinct towards the danger, but he can't help it. Something's hurt out there. Something...or someone.

He yanks open the screened door and steps into the early October air. His eyes are immediately drawn beyond the back yard to the edge of the property, where a bunch of evergreens grow close together, creating a natural gazebo of sorts.

And someone's lying there.

He breaks into a run, his instinct telling him to help the person out. And his instinct has never failed him yet.

"Mom!" he yells. "Somebody's hurt out here!"

He reaches the person. It's a girl, not much younger than him. Her brown hair is tangled around her and she's all bruised and bloody. Her grey eyes are open but unfocused.

"Hello?" the boy says. "Are you okay?"

The girl stares at him in confusion. She opens her mouth to say something and tries to prop herself up on her elbows, but apparently it's too much for her. Her eyes roll back and she faints.

"Oh God..." the boy mutters. "MOM!" he screams again.

Finally, the screened door slides open and his mother comes running out, lugging the first aid kit with her. "How badly is he hurt?" his mom calls to him.

"It's a girl, Mom, and she just passed out. She's bleeding and bruised everywhere."

His mom pulls up level to him. "Maybe we should call an ambulance," she suggests. "That girl's seriously hurt."

"Should we bring her inside?" the boy asks, bending to pick her up.

But his mom shakes her head. "Leave her there. She may have more serious injuries than we can see. Do you have your cellphone?"

Without a word, the boy pulls it out of his pocket. He types in the pass code and hands the phone to her.

But before she can dial 911, the girl opens her eyes again. She looks at the mother, then the boy. "Simon kamm da. Earth maigst saze kein."

Then her head flops back into the leaves.

Defenders of Earth (Book 2 of the Keepers Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now