Chapter 9

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About ten minutes after Mom, Dad, and I go outside, Dr. Wilson comes stomping out, muttering under his breath. He sticks his head around the corner of the house and yells, "Alright, pack it up! We're leaving!"

Mom goes to look at whatever Dr. Wilson's shouting at. "You can't just conduct tests on our property!" she yells suddenly.

Dad and I both look at her.

"Don't you need a warrant or something?" she demands, stepping up to Dr. Wilson. "You at least need permission, this could be a violation of our rights!"

"Mrs. Everett, we're not damaging your property," Dr. Wilson says coldly. "Relax."

"Get them out of here," Mom snaps.

"They're packing up already."

"Good," Mom says just as Callie and Dr. Casey walk out the front door. Mom forgets the violation of our rights and goes to hug Callie. "How'd it go, sweetie?" she asks anxiously.

"I won't lie, it could've gone better," Dr. Casey says. "I gave her my number and told her that when she felt like talking, to make an appointment."

Mom nods. "Alright. Fine. Let's go inside," she tells Callie. Before she can say a word, Mom drapes an arm around her shoulder and leads her into the house.

Oh, there is nothing more awkward than standing out in the snow with a bunch of crazy scientists who think your foster sister's an alien.

I follow Mom and Callie inside, but Dad lingers to talk to the scientists.

Callie sits on the couch, and Mom's beside her. "Callie, what did they say to you?" she asks quietly.

"My English is im...peccable?" she says, like she's uncertain of the word.

"Impeccable? You mean, like, faultless?" I repeat. "That's what they had to say?"

"Mark..." Mom says warningly.

"They said other stuff too," Callie says. "Private stuff. National security."

I'm so sick of her secrets. Of this "private" bull crap. I want to shake her, demand that she stop hiding stuff from us. It's the words "national security" that stop me.

It might private because it's dangerous. Isn't she always going on and on about she doesn't want to talk about her past because she wants to protect us?

"You don't have to tell us, Callie, if you don't want to," Mom says.

Callie shakes her head and stands up. "I'm going to my room," she mumbles.

"That's fine," Mom says too heartily. Callie looks at her strangely then goes upstairs. As soon as we hear her bedroom door close, Mom drops her head into her hands. "What have I done?" she moans.

"It's okay, Mom," I say reassuringly.

She shakes her head. "No, it's not," she whispers. "That poor girl's clearly been put through trauma; I think I made things worse."

"I don't think you did, Mom," I say.

She looks at me. "Mark? Where's Leo?"

"Outside, talking to the scientists," I say.

"About what?"

I shrug. "I dunno."

Mom stands up. "I'm gonna go join him."

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