Chapter 23

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I slip into the main room, unnoticed. The big monitor is playing the local news on one side and footage of our backyard on the other. I don't recall there being a camera there, and it aggravates me. I push that thought to the side and march up to the only scientist that had been willing to talk to me like an adult.

"What's going on?" I demand.

"Obviously, an attack. Evacuations are being held, military is on its way," she responds, typing furiously at her desktop.

I watch the screens up front. Some of the aliens are being shot down; though I can't see where the bullets are coming from, I can assume law enforcement has arrived. It's terrifying, witnessing a battle take place in my own backyard. The whole scene seems fake. Unrealistic.

"We've got reports from Australia," another scientist announces. "Someone driving along the outback witnessed a whole bunch of 'weird Independence Day shit'."

"That's where the other rift is," I say. "Where they found that body, yeah?"

"But we know all that," the scientist says, frowning. "But why're they going there? They know Calypso's in PA-"

"The only one who saw her is dead, I think," I point out.

"Maybe it's a total crapshoot, where they're ending up," she suggests.

"If that's true, then I hope those are the only two entrances," the other scientist says.

"You mean, you're not sure?" I'm a little incredulous.

The first scientist shrugs. "We're biologists. The rift-that's someone else's field of study. I wouldn't ask, though; he doesn't like children."

"Well, that narrows it down," I grumble sarcastically. Almost every person has made it clear that I, a teenager, had no business being here. It's only because of Callie that I am here. But for the past three months, I have helped her conform to this new society, even if I wasn't aware of how far from home she was. I was her companion here, her mentor. I was the first person she completely trusted with her secret, and she even wants me to know everything. So why am I treated like I'm too incompetent to know anything?

The scientist leans back and looks at me. "Out of curiosity, where's Callie?"

"I'm not sure," I answer honestly. "Why?"

"Because, looking at the security booth-" she points at a bank of computers in the corner-"someone just breached the isolation room."

Azudus produces a bent piece of metal and sticks it in the keyhole. "It is amazing," he says as the door clicks, "that a secure science lab can be broken into with a paper clip."

"Usually it's bobby pins," I say. "At least, that's what Mark said."

Azudus looks at me. "Why were you picking locks?"

I decide not to tell him Mark and I were trying to get into Emily's stash of chocolates. "It-it isn't important. But you can use a paper clip instead?"

Azudus looks at me like I'm incapable of adding two and two. "You are incredibly slow for someone of your intelligence."

"Oof," I respond, pushing open the door. "That hurt."

"Keep your emotions under control Calypso; there is more significant pain to come."

"That was a joke, Azudus," I mutter, rolling my eyes. "Do they not exist on Tura? That would explain a ton."

"Comedy is a waste of time, girl. It is an unnecessary distraction." Azudus flips the lights on. He points at the deprivation tank. "Figure that out."

"Shouldn't be too hard," I respond. "You were floating, so I'm guessing salt. And the temperature would have to be warm, but not too warm. I'm guessing-"

"Figure it out quieter," Azudus snaps. I make a face at his back.

I log onto one of the computers and look up (with difficulty, I originally searched it in Azeran before remembering that this was Earth, and Azeran wasn't a language here) "sensory deprivation". "Got it," I call to Azudus.

"Fantastic. Now you can apply that knowledge to setting it up."

"You know what? I think I might just stare at it. Grab a sandwich or something," I retort with not a little annoyance. Azudus glares at me, and I return the gesture. I'm not in the mood to be treated like an idiot.

I walk around the tank, frowning. With all their technology, I don't think the scientists here would've filled it manually. And there has to be a way in or out...

"How'd you get out?" I ask Azudus, who's fiddling with electrodes.

"There is a door, i think. And a mask for breathing, although i would not use that concentration of oxygen. But i am not sure how to get the water in or out," he admits.


I whip my head towards the door. A young woman in a lab coat stands there, her head cocked. I automatically think that she must from one of the desert tribes. No, stupid, I tell myself off. We're on Earth. No one from those tribes could be here.

"Of all the fancy things, and you two break in for the deprivation tank?" She doesn't sound mad. In fact, she seems almost amused.

"Umm..." I rack my brain for an explanation. "Ask Azudus." Yeah, that'll do.

"We can access her electrical circuit in her brain, can we not?" Azudus inquires. "If we do that-"

"Like, like brain waves? What'll that tell us?" the woman inquires. "How's that even gonna work?"

"No. No, no, no. We can, however, access her biochip. And when we do that, we can either have her relive the past, or view the future."

"W-wait," I hold up my hands. "I was not thinking that. That wasn't the plan, was it?"

Back on Azera, I knew that my biochip was connected to a computer program and could be controlled by another user. James did that once, when I found out that Simon was behind all this. But I still don't like the idea of my brain being accessed like a flash drive. It creeps me out too much.

But I strangely trust Azudus. He's the only one in this stupid facility that is willing to help. I have to put my misgivings aside.

"You're gonna trigger a flashback, then? Or a premonition?" I inquire now. My voice shakes. Neither are fun to experience.

"Yes. And the tank will help you be more observant, Callie," Azudus explains.

I bite my lip, grimace. "Alright. Fine. I don't want to be probe anymore than necessary, alright?"

"May I be of assistance?" The scientist offers. Azudus looks at her.

"Set up the tank. I will give you more orders as we go along."

Defenders of Earth (Book 2 of the Keepers Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now