Chapter Fourteen

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My life, my life, my life... in the sunshine

Mary J. Blige was giving my life meaning while I walked on the treadmill. Tre was off working personally with a female client that made all the men present stop and stare. From her looks alone, she didn't' require a personal trainer or maybe Tre was just that good. Either way, she was flawless if there ever was one woman that was.

Compared to her, I had a very long way to go before I would hold a candlestick in the looks department. She would be the beautiful sister while I was the ugly duckling. Tre was being ever so professional along with his playful persona as he took her through a series of exercises. The green-eyed monster was consuming me when I knew I had no reason to be envious.

In a way, I had a one up on every woman that had eyes on him. He desired me but that didn't mean he didn't look and touch others though. Look at William, I thought he once had eyes only for me and look how that turned out. Still, I have no clue who he has been laying with and a small part of me really wants to know.

Sadly enough, that bastard hasn't even lifted a finger to call and check up on me. The demanding voice messages points out that I needed to return home and that was about it. Pigs would fly before I returned. If anything, I needed to go back to get my belongings. While he was off gallivanting about, he wasn't worried about me being there, so why did he care now. Apparently, I am not wired properly because instead of truly focusing on my marriage and what I plan to do about it now that I know the truth, I am getting jealous over the attention Tre is paying his female clientele.

"Hey Chica, what's been going on with you?"

"Girl you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Well, spit it out Sophia. Don't keep me in suspense."

After I completed the rundown with William and everything that had been popping since the dreaded phone call to his hotel room, Vette was at a loss for words. The bit about his assistant or the deacon hitting on me, I chose to leave out when I told Tre the story. There is no telling what he would do with that tidbit of information. It was bad enough he wanted to lay hands on William, poor Donald probably would die from a hateful look from Tre.

He was a coward that thought that I would be so distraught over William's deceit that he could squeeze in for the kill. Fooled him, because I didn't much like him around let alone would allow him to slide anyway near me intimately. Birds of a feather flock together and the way he slithers behind William is enough to know he wants to be just like him or wants to be him period. It's like the high school jock running around with different girls and his flunkies riding his coat tail getting all the leftovers.

There was no way in hell I would allow myself to be leftovers to be passed around. Although I did throw myself at my best friend but that was mainly because I had feelings for him anyway. This mess has just stirred the pot of already tainted views of right and wrong. Two can play this game is all that keeps coming to mind, not turn the other cheek because I feel like I have been done wrong.

"So, let me ask you this. Are you going to go back? What's next for Megan?"

"I honestly have no idea what's next besides divorce court."

"You want me to call the show?"

"Haha," I giggled.

"Girl, I'm serious, this would be one of the most talked about shows ever in the history of divorce court. Technically, everything that is going on could make television period. If Oprah was still on the air she would definitely bring you in for a good cry."

"It does seem a bit farfetched, all the things that have surfaced out of the blue. My mama is not the mama, my daddy was a cheater, I married a cheater, and I'm infatuated with my best friend who is supposed to be my play brother."

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