The bride

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"Why are you kissing a MORTAL," Mikasa voice boomed, making Levi cover his ears and whine. But Eren had had enough.

He turned, swirling his dust into a humanoid figure and walking toward Mikasa, then giving her a hard slap.

"How dare you," Eren seethed, "I am not your child, I am your betrothed. And never will I love a girl like you, we are simply to join our families. A partnership. What we each do in our private time is none of the others business,"

Mikasa seemed to shrink her eyes tearing up.

"If you ever. Attack me like that again. You will be the one that's dust!" Mikasa then ran as fast as her feet could carry her before launching herself back into the sky, disappearing along with Eren's rage.

Levi was glad to not have bee the receiver of that encounter and flinched when Eren began to speak again, relaxing quickly at his tone.

"Levi I am sorry you had to see something like that,"

"It's okay Eren," Levi muttered, the humanoid form spreading everywhere and around the house, filling the rooms with stardust.

"Can you stay here Eren?" Levi asked hopefully looking up in the dust,"

He heard nothing for several minutes then a reply, "I will try my best,"

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