The sky is dying

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The disappointment and dissatisfaction of the elder gods and neighboring families took a tole on Eren. Not only did he now feel obsolete from Levi's rejection, but he also felt the burden of disapproval from his people. They labeled him an outsider and even his closest friends were not allowed to even glance at him.

A heavy weight grew on his chest as he tried and tried to lift the sky, but as the love that had once surrounded him disappeared so did his will to live. And so he stopped supporting the sky. The stars fell as Eren had no power to hold them in place and brighten their souls. The stars screamed as they fell, begging Eren to catch them, to save them.

But Eren could only hear the white noise of his heart. Which had stopped beating and was replaced with an empty nothingness that hurt so much he clutched his chest, curling in a ball in the sky and sobbing.

His tears became comets screeching across the sky. Thus, his final breakdown was beautiful. As he let go of everything that had made him happy he also opened himself up to attack.

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