Namjoon (Rapmonster) x Hoseok (Jhope)

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Requested by NadiaLuck
Description: Hoseok takes his babe out on a mall date. Oppa kink,crossdressing, bottom Namjoon
AN\Warning homophobic slurs

"Oppa hurry"

"Baby we're almost there"

The place in question was the local mall because someone just had to have the new Ryan figurine (Namjoon😂) even though he had a hundred. Yes Hoseok's boyfriend was spoiled.

Namjoon pov
We walked into the Ryan themed store holding hands. After looking around for about thirty minutes I started to feel eyes on me. Looking around I noticed a group of men my age leering at us. Snatching my hand out of hobi's I moved a couple inches away.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing" I lied

"Namjoon don't lie to me"


Namjoon let out a wimper while ajusting his red tennis skirt. "Oppa those men are staring at me" Namjoon wispered. Hoseok look across the store noticing the men glaring and wispering in a huddle. "Well let's go, we can come back later how bout we go get something from the food court" "ok".

After ordering we a picked a table in the corner of the eating area. I noticed Namjoon was picking at his food "Baby you ok" "yes oppa". After eating we gathered our trash and decided to walk around then my phone rang. It was my boss " Baby I'll be back I have to take this".

Namjoon pov

Hoseok walked away because he knows I don't like to hear about his work. 'Owning a company was just so boring'. While waiting on Hobi I realised the crowds of people were thinning because it was an hour before closing time. "Hey fag" spinning around I noticed it was the same group of men from the store. 'Shit' I swiftly turned around trying to find Hobi until one of the guys grabbed me by my shoulder. "Hey I'm talking to you where's your little boyfriend" "please leave me alone" "what's up with this skirt you little tranny" an older fat man said reaching under my skirt.

AUTHOR's pov
Namjoon let out a gasp and slapped the man across his chubby face. " you little bitch" the man roared grabbing for Namjoon. Namjoon took of in a sprint running as fast as his platforms would take him. Turning a corner he slammed into a bathroom door and locked it listening as the men ran by. Letting out a shaky breath his eyes began to tear up.


After ending the call with my boss in the restroom namjoon busted through the door and leaned against it. "Baby what happened" "Oppa" Namjoon cried after telling me the story of why he was here in the first place. "Those pieces of shit" I was seething who the fuck so those guys think they are I was about go hunt them down until I heard Namjoon sniffle.

"Baby dont cry their not worth your tears"I said wiping a single tear away.

"Oppa please"

"What baby I can give you anything"

"I want your cock"


That was unexpected " Baby we're in the mall" "I don't care I want it" he growled before pushing me to the floor and undoing my belt.

" Shit baby slow down"!

Namjoons pov

As I hiked up my skirt I noticed Hobi's eyes turn dark with lust as he took notice of my lacy white underwear. "Is this for me" smirked before flipping us over and sliding my panties down a little so he could blow air on my twitching hole. I shivered at the cool air in the bathroom. "Oppa please touch me"
" No I want you to finger your self for me".


Hoseok grabbed namjoon fingers sucking on them one by one as Namjoon bucked his hips into the air.
Hoseok let Namjoons fingers leave his mouth with a pop. Namjoon wimpered as he started on his task between his legs , as Hobi hiked a leg over his shoulder with Namjoons underwear hanging from his ankle so he could get a better look.

Hobis pov

After seeing Namjoon reach three fingers I couldn't wait any more. "Stop" I said as I reached for the soap despenser letting it's contents dripp onto my fingers. After slicking my cock I thrusted in one go listening to my baby's scream. "Please move" he begged. Who was I to deny him.


" Fu-uck oppa faster". ' He's going to slow' I thought before taking him by suprise before flipping us over.Hoseok let out a startled noise as I landed on top of him. Pushing my bangs out of my eyes I braced my hands on his thighs for leverage. Starting up a brutal pace as he he groaned beneath me.


Namjoon threw his head back as Hoseok pushed his shirt up to his and began teasing his nipples.

"Oppa please can I cum"

"Hold it just a little longer baby"

"Oppa Plea- ase" Namjoon hiccuped.

Hoseok grunted grabbing Namjoon' s waist thrusting up to meet Namjoon hips

"Shit, baby go ahead oppas goons cum"

"Auggh oppa" Namjoon cried as his orgasm came full force, wimpering as Hoseoks com dropped out of his hole.

"Shit" Hoseok breathed.

After fixing there appearance both startled when they heard knocking on the bathroom door. Hoseok cleared his throat before unlocking the door and swinging it open. Standing outside the door was a man in a custodial uniform with a name tag reading kwon Ji-yong

"Um excuse me sir, the mall closes in 15 minutes" said the man blushing.

"Ahhh I see well we should be going shouldn't we baby" Hoseok said trying not to laugh at Namjoon's mortified face.

" Ye-ah let's just-t go" Namjoon rushed out not even looking in Ji-yong's direction.

Hoseok smirked as he slapped Namjoon's ass as he rushed passed him heading to the car.

"Hope you enjoyed the show" he said walking away then laughing as he heard Ji-Hong sputter out that he wasn't listening to whatever was going on in there!

On the ride home Hoseok look at their joined hands on the middle console.

"Are you ok"

"Hoseok I told you I'm fine"

"Oh so now it's Hoseok what happen to oppa please" he chuckled kissing Namjoons knuckles.
Namjoon blushed " Stop teasing me I know your worried but all I needed was you..... to make me forget"

" I love you baby"

"I love you to oppa".

AN\ Done ok so this was my first request hope you guys enjoyed it don't forget to request in my comments or message me💋❤🍑

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