chapter 1

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A/N None of the art is mine, I don't know who did it, creds to the artist, the amazing Las-T on 

shinra would look like this except with a hooded long jacket and various weapns. also coven seal tattoo and several scars including one just right of his heart.


    I attend a mixed species school. By that I mean half Vampire, half Human. This is in the only city in the world that knows the Supernatural (at least, Vampires) exist. [or rather was, before all the shit happened with Jax...] It’s a dorm school with lots going on, clubs, parties, sports and so on. My name is Shinra Endrin. But I go by Luke Stone. The reason, though rather simple is hard to explain. So I guess I will start at the beginning.
~ 928 years ago ~

    I was running. I didn’t know what from just that mother and father told me to flee. My human legs couldn’t carry me fast enough. That was right before whatever it is they told me to run from killed mother. I was twenty-two. I wish I could say I was brave and fought the thing that attacked us, but I wasn’t. I ran, ran for my life even as I knew I would never see mother and father again.

    The thing found me by a river in the mountains near our village. To this day I don’t know what it was that attacked me, just that it was vicious, and unrelenting. Eventually it tired of me or maybe thought me dead for it left me there, dying in the river. It was fall so the water was frigid.

    My sire repeatedly tells me that saved my life. He was a vampire, out for a feed. He thought me dead when he found me and the only thing that saved me from being dead was an involuntary reflex that involved me punching a vampire – who was likely thirty times more powerful than I – in the face.

    He changed me that day and I became a vampire. I learned to fight and that the there was such thing as Vampire Slayers.

    At around my sixty-second birthday I found an injured falcon in the yard. My sire said it would be merciful to kill the thing because it’s wing was broken. I couldn’t bring myself to take the creatures life when it was looking at me so trustingly. So I pleaded with my sire to let me nurse it back to health. After three hours of pleading and me not letting him go outside he relented. I named the Falcon Esté.

    It took three years for the Esté to be fully healed and flying strong again. By that point my sire had started training me in magic, a very important talent for any vampire to have. Once a vampire has learned the basics the vampire then creates their own style of magic and/or adapts the style of the coven they create or join. But anyway, the day that Esté had a proper full flight, it was revealed he was a familiar.

    I found out cause he shifted forms when a Slayer attacked the farm where my sire was raising me. I couldn’t move fast enough cause I had injured myself riding earlier that day. The slayer was about to kill me when Esté suddenly materialized in front of me. In a flash of gold there was a teenage boy with spiky hair pulled back into a ponytail.

    He took what would have been a fatal blow and then looked at me as if to say ‘well I can’t do this myself!’

    After that unpleasant issue had been taken care of I created a familiar bond with Esté. A few weeks later I was no longer under my sires care. Long story short some shit went down, my sire died, I met Aizen the Drazic Shadow and a century later, Eld, the Calidan Mech.

    Basically this all happened over nine centuries ago, making me a rare and sometimes perceived as dangerous Vampyre. Yes, Vampyre. With a Y. That means that vampire Slayers will kill – more than usual to eliminate or capture me. As if they would ever succeed.

    Anyway, it’s a normal school day. I am invisible in the human section, meaning I don’t draw attention to myself. I’m rubbing the amulets I always wear, there’s three of them. The first is an amulet with a delicate but complex symbol representing my Coven, Endrin’s Star. The second is a coil of gold, black and silver Volcanic glass-stone twisting together to represent my bond with my three familiars. 

The last is a ring that my sire always wore. He gave it me the day he died and told me it would protect me. I never, ever take it off. It holds the spell that makes me Luke not Shinra. I wear it on a leather cord and only take it off – giving it to Este if I need to be Shinra.

    Class as usual is boring, calm and quiet – save for the fan-girls and boys talking about which of the vampires is hottest. Ugh. I am seriously thankful for the ring, it glamours the vampire’s scent and appearance. Unless I say the command word (in ancient vampiric) I’m just another human in math class.

    When lunch finally rolls around, I head outside to relax in the sun alongside my friends. And no, sunlight is not bad for vampires. It just is a bit irritating since we are nocturnal by nature. I’m joined by Esté, Aizen and Eld – they are enrolled in the school alongside me. A fact or which I will always be thankful. We converse quietly in Ancient Vampiric, more commonly known as Latin in this day and age.
“aliquis hoc vos scandalizat per mentis furorem venit link Index?” I say quietly to Aizen.
(Did someone offend you? Anger is coming across the mental link)

“Ego sum lumen proferens necessitatem iusta de nito, mi amice.” Aizen responds.
(I’m just stressing about the exam, my friend)

“Magnam faciam te Aizen ego promitto. Quingentis annis post cognitionem inpertiendam magister !” I respond.
(You’ll do great Aizen, I promise! After all you’ve got four hundred years of knowledge on the teacher!)

“Et dices: Numquid tamen audistin? nuntium dictum est de nova vampire in oppidum. uelut cum a duce Coven.” Esté comments.
(say, have you heard? the news is talking about a new vampire in town? Supposedly he’s a Coven leader...)

“Ego ut audivi, ut ego pol illum aperire oculos meos posse periculo ... ?” I respond. (I’ve heard about that, I’ll have to keep my eyes open... could be dangerous.)

    Unfortunately we are unable to continue our conversation due to the ringing of the bell signalling the end of lunch. Oh well, I can easily open a mental link and communicate with them if need be. And as a bonus, only one period of class left! Thank god.

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