Time Off

465 18 0

Olivia's POV

I'm late, great. Elliot's gonna give me shit because of it like every time I've ever been late.

I walk into the squad and see Elliot at his desk. I put a coffee next to him trying to make nice.


I look at him and it's not Elliot

"Oh I'm sorry..?"

He stands up holding his hand out

"I'm Owen, Owen Hunter"

I hesitated, who is he? Where's Elliot? Is his actual name Owen Hunter or is he another Kyle Monroe.

Be polite, shake his hand it'll be okay.

"I'm Olivia, Olivia Benson"

I meet his hand and give him a slight smile

"Oh you're Olivia? "


"I'm gonna be your partner"

From the corner of my eye I see Cragen. I'm confused, hurt, and betrayed.

"Excuse me for a moment?"

"Yeah of course"

I go over to Cragen


He turns around

"-Where's Elliot?"

"He's on leave Detective Hunter will be your partner for the time being"

"What happened?"

He looked at me for a second thinking

"..Get to work"


He ignored me as he returned to his office

Was it because of me? Is he taking a leave from me?

Tears start rolling down my cheeks

Why would he do this? Why would he leave without telling me and then stick me with another sub?

I pull out my phone going into the cribs. I speed dial Elliot's phone and it goes straight to voicemail

"Hi you've reached Detective Elliot Stabler. I'm busy at the moment, but leave a message and as soon as I can I'll get back to you."

Hi voice sounded like butter; soft and it cut right through me

"Hey El, its Liv. I'm at work and you're not here. -" I change my voice to a whisper "-if it's because of yesterday I'm sorry. Call me back we should talk, okay? Alright bye" I hang up

Elliot's POV

"Dickie go long!" I yell to my son as I hold a football in my hand watching my son running getting ready to receive my throw.

"Dad throw it already!"


He almost messes up, but manages to catch it.

"Hey good job!"

I smile at him clapping as I walk over to my wife. I grab her from behind holding her. She jumps a little and I wrap my arms around her letting her know it's okay. I kiss her cheek. A day at the park with my family is exactly what I need.

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