Chapter 1

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Draco POV


I was back.

The lined cold brown walls towered over my head as I walked past its construction.

It was leaning over, as an old person would as they had been bending their back for a long time.

What had broken me from my thoughts was a girl racing past me. She looked about my age, and she had pale skin, a British Shorthair Cat in a cage, and platinum blonde hair with a streak of black on the right side. Why was I paying so much attention? I don't know. She reminded me of someone... very familiar...

"Excuse me, sir!" She called out. Dammit, she caught me staring. I'm in trouble. Crap.

My head slowly went up, so that I could see her. Hey, I knew it! She looked like Mum!

"Yes?" I ask, a little bit scared of what she was going to say.

"Could you help me find my way?" she asks, tilting her head slightly.

"What?" I ask. What the hell is she talking about?

"I need help. I'm really late, and I need to get sorted!" she says, somewhat excitedly and somewhat hurriedly.

I stared at her, completely dumfounded. Sorted? But she looked like she was my age.

"What year are you in?" I ask her, just a little bit curious. Just a little.

"Eighth, but I got held back a year," she says, explaining.

I snorted, rolling my eyes.

"Well, why are you getting sorted then?" I ask, somewhat sarcastically and smugly.

"I took classes on a muggle thing called the internet. I wasn't here in real life," she says, blinking.

No wonder. That definitely explained it.

"Yeah, okay." I shrug nonchalantly.

"Okay what?" she asks, no idea what I was agreeing to. Does she even pay attention? Like seriously.

"I'll help you," I say.

"Really?! Oh, thank you! This means so much!" she excalims, very happily and excitedly.

I smile warmly. I like her.

Okay, well, not like that. a friend-

A friend.

This feels nice! Crabbe and Goyle were really just my, uh, servents? They didn't really show any emotions. Probably got it from me, well, maybe.

"No problem. By the way, who are your parents?" I ask her.

She looks a little fidgety........uh-oh.

"Oh, um, I don't know... I mean, when the first wizarding war happened, my parents had to give me up for some reason..." she mutters, looking down a little and scratching her head. She looks very nervous.

Crap. I made her anxious. Just great.

"Well, let's get going, then," I say, grabbing her cat cage, not so softly, neither gently.

"Be careful! Poppy is a little fidgety," she says, right as her cat scratches my index fingers knuckle. Ow...

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" She says, taking the cage and gently looking at my hand.

She pulled up my sleeve a little and saw a little black snake.

The Dark Mark.


"What the hell..." she muttered. Why does she sound so.. sad? I don't know.. interested.. yet, sorry for me? I can't really tell.

She gently stroked the mark once.

I feel a little, um, sting/burn/energy.

I sharply pull down my sleeve, a light glare on my face, but I quickly wipe that off.

She looks up, surprised. Guilty. But why?

"Don't," I say with the cold stone face, the one that has been on my face since I was a young kid.

"I'm so sorry. What's your name?" she asks gently. I can tell she's sorry, but no way I'm letting that get to me.

I glared and my eyes narrowed.

"Draco. Draco Malfoy," I reply, coldly.

Her eyes widened, mouth opening slightly.

"D-Draco?" she asks in a hoarse voice, very quietly.

"Yes." Why does she seem so.... what do you call it?

"I-I'm Daisy," she mutters.

"I don't care."

Daisy seems shocked. I'm not surprised; I can change moods pretty easily.

"No! It can't be," she whispered, her hand to her chest.

"Ha, yeah, I'm famous," I retorted. I walked away, not looking back.

I scanned the people who passed by. Hmm, Loony Lovegood, ugh, Weaslette, and OH CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRAP CRA-

"Drrrraco!" Pansy purred.

Crap. Just plain old crap.

"Pansy," I said tightly, not in the mood.

"Come on! Blaise and Theo are waiting! we need to get dung bombs and throw them at Potter, Weasel, and Mudblood!" Pansy squeaked.

Buuut I couldn't let her do that.

I mean, come on! He's not my best friend, but he did save me from some BIG burns!

"No," I said firmly.

"Haha, Draco, you NEED to work on your jokes," she laughed.

"No!" I equipped, "Pansy, don't you understand?"

Pansy's smile tightened.

"Draco, hon, you don't like Potter!" Pansy said slowly. I guess she wanted me to process that or something.

"Pansy, he saved my life! Don't you know what this means?"

She tilted her head, a questioning look on her face, as if she was saying 'What?', just without using her voice/

"If it wasn't for him, I would have DIED."

"And?" Pansy asked, in such a clueless voice.

Idiot. She is just such an idiot.

"You know what?" I then stop for a second.

"Hmm?" she hums.

"I'm done. With what? With pranking, with hating, with tricks, and, and, with this relationship!" I say, almost, just almost yelling.

Pansy looked like someone slapped her right across the face. That's what you get.

"Ooh! Got hit in the head with a bludger, huh?" Pansy quipped, crossing her arms, a smug look on that face of hers'.

"No, you'd need more damage for THAT head of yours," I said and turned away, very annoyed by her stupidity.

Suddenly I heard Pansy's voice call out, "Avada-" and then a second later, a different femals voice shouted out, "Expelliarmus!"

That voice sounded... a little bit..familiar...?

Pansy's wand then flew into a small, pale, thin white hand.

I looked over in the direction the wand had flew over to. My eyes then met a female figure. It was......


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