Chapter 2

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Pansy POV

Ugh! What is wrong with Draco? He's pretty much saying he doesn't hate Potter anymore! Like, seriously. UGH!

My thoughts suddenly get caught off by a very unfamiliar figure walking past me. She looks really skinny, about 5'6, very pale, and has.. pastel purple hair, but her roots are showing, which are white and.. wait, white and black? Since when can you be born like that!?

"Hey!" I call out. She slowly turns back to look at me.

"What?" she asks. She's carrying a Eurasian Eagle Owl in a cage, and a black trunk with dark purple designs on it. 

"Who are you? You don't look familiar, and you obviously aren't a first year," I say.

"First off, you are snippy. Second off, I just got a letter this year, so that's why. The last words I have to say to you are shut the hell up," she says. Oh, she dared to do something like that, did she?

"Hey! You don't get to talk to me in that way!"

"Hey, you don't get to talk to me in that way," she says, smugly. I am so done with this.. "Bye. I don't need a snippy person's help."

"HEY!" I call out to her again. "Who are you?"

"I don't think a snippy ass bitch like you needs to know who I am. I only tell cool people things like that."

"I'm telling Proffessor McGonagall that you shouldn't be here," I tell her. I bet that's gonna get her going.

"No, I think you have it wrong. It's you, the snippy one, who doesn't belong here," she says. I AM SO DONE WITH HER! LIKE, SHE THINKS SHE CAN JUST SAY THAT AND GET AWAY WITH IT!? OH NO SHE CAN'T!

I start raging. "I WILL GET RID OF YOU! I was trying to be nice at first, but now I know you suck! I will get you expelled and you will never come back!"

She just shrugs. SHE IS SUCH A FREAKING-

"How about you just shut up? I never wanted to talk to you. You're the one wasting my time. I guess I'll just be leaving," she says.


She puts her trunk and cage on the ground and walks up to me. She's about an inch or two taller than me. I guess I measured her wrong.

"Listen her, pug face," she starts, pointing right at me. "I never started this conversation, but I will finish it. You, pug squashed face, is an idiot, and doesn't know how to shut up. I bet you got mad at someone before me, and you're taking it all out on me. I don't give a shit whether you hate me or not, I just want you to shut your pug ass face the hell up and leave me alone."

That just got me realllllll mad. "I AM NOT A PUG FACE! You wanna start a fight? I can fight too! You look disgusting, kinda like a cat! And, you have horribly colored hair! What's with the two color roots? It's disgusting! And, you sound like a complete foreigner! It's absolutely sickening! You're eyes are too small! They don't open all the way! I bet you didn't get accepted when you were younger was because you were straight off ugly!" I shoot back. That sounded pretty good.

She glares at me. "Pug face, you're the idiotic bitch around here. I don't see why you have a reason to insult me."

I glare hardly at her before getting my wand ready. "Cru-"

"Expelliarmus," she says calmly, my wand flying right out of my hand and into her owls cage. The owl picks it up with its' beak and let's her take it. "Thanks," she says after she had it in her pocket. "You're not getting this thing back."

"I WILL KILL YOU!" I practically yell.

"How?" she asks, smugly. "I took your wand. And of course, it'd take to long to kill me with a gun or knife or anything else, just because there'd be more evidence. I guess you're just stupid."

"I. Am. Not. Stupid! If anything, you're the stupid one!"

She just ignores me and plays with her jackets strings and pulls her hood over her head. She also starts pulling strings from her jeans so that they look absolutely and messily disgusting. She looks like an absolute hobo!

"Did you know that you look like a hobo?" I ask her. She responds almost immediately.

"Did you know you look like someone who got their face transfered with a pugs and is now trying to insult others so she doesn't feel so bad about her ugly life? Yes, I think you know," she says and picks her owl up, along with her trunk. Talking about that, her trunk is absolutely thick and big.

"Why the hell do you need such a big trunk?" I ask her. And no, I'm not curious. I just want to find another way to insult her.

"Because I'm not a pug who needs absolutely nothing. OH! That pug sounds just like you," she says, shooting a glare right at me and starts to walk away. 

"WELL GUESS WHAT!" I yell and she turns around, tilting her head with sleazy eyes.

"What? I don't wanna waste the rest of my time talking to a bitch," she says, pulling on one of her earrings.


"Well, then I guess you won't be alone," she says. "Cuz you have no friends either."

This girl literally gets on every single one of my nerves. I'd do anything to see her suffer!

"I will kill you whenever I have the chance," I say, squinting my eyes in a rude manner.

She just blinks and shrugs. "Do that. Just remember, you'll be the one with all of the blame. Cuz guess why? You wanna know why? Because I won't be alive. They won't be able to prove that I said anything. Yet they can prove that it was you who ended my life so short."


"Oh, I don't count on that."

She starts walking away. Just then, I notice her trunk has words on it, which read..

Elnor Min..?

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