Chapter 3

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Elnor POV

Who the hell was that pug face girl? She was so fucking annoying, I had to hold my own hands together so that I wouldn't punch her upside the face. Such a bitch, ain't she?

Anyway, I continue walking. Just a second later, Areum, my owl, pecks at my hand. Areum means 'Beauty' in Korean. And, uh, I'm kinda Korean, I guess. I don't tell anyone though.

"What's up, Areum?" I ask looking down at her. She just stares at me. "Well then. I think I have to learn to speak owl, don't I?"

She just looks away. "I'm just guessing, but I think that means yes." I start walking around the school. It looks like a castle. Why make a school a castle. I don't really know what I'm doing anymore. I think I should go inside... to get..... I DON'T KNOW! I'M NOT MAGIC!

I groan and slam my head against a tree. "Fuck you!" To be honest, I didn't know the tree was in front of me. But hey, it makes this so much more dramatic, don't it?

Areum hoots. "Yeah yeah, I'm gonna go inside, so be quiet for once." She shuts up. "Good job."

I walk around again and finally find the doors. I walk inside and, to be honest, this looks really, really crazy and haunted. Well, kinda. The stairs are moving, their are a bunch of ghosts, moving portraits, and even talking portraits. Oh, and it's filled with many kids. Some a lot younger then me, some my age, and, and there are teachers or whatever you decide to call them here. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT, BECAUSE I'M WHAT THEY CALL A FUCKING MUGGLE ASS BITCH! I'm being so offensive to myself.

Anyway, I keep looking around, at literally everything. The walls, how far the cieling goes, how many staircases there are, how many floors I think there are, and whatever else decides to interest me at the moment. My thoughts are cut off by someone yelling, but, who cares. I'm not gonna pay attention to someone yelling.

Then I see a group of, like, 6 people pass by. 3 girls, 3 boys. One blonde, two redheads, two brunettes, and a light brunette. Ey, whatever. That's boring. Hair is boring. That's why I dye mine. Hair is boring by itself.

Sighing, I continue walking around. I really don't know what the hell I'm doing here, but I truly don't give a shitty fuck. I have such horrible language. But ey, I can speak Korean and German, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, and, I even know Vietnamese. So, like, my language isn't bad.

Don't take that serious. I just feel drunk, so I shall act drunk. Act how you feel. Tired, drunk, and absolutely crazy. Yo, whatevuh. I fucking hate myself so fucking much.

Sighing, I follow where almost everyone else is going. But, like, I feel like I'm the only one with luggage. Oh, but there's a platinum blonde girl who is also carrying stuff, so, I don't feel crazy, or like I'm sticking out the most.

As I'm walking, I see that everyone else is loading into a room with four tables, very long, and like, so many people are sitting at each table. I don't like crowds, so I'm already disgusted.

I take my phone out of my pocket and start playing some random game. I feel as if I'm the literal only one with a cell phone. Yep, I'm definitely the only one. Well then, I like being super duper fucking crazily different. I have a habit of describing things too much. I have to shitty fucking stop.

Yet I'm still doing it. UGH. I'm so stupid. Hey, I didn't do it! Well, for one fucking time. And I'm back. WOW.

I see teachers or professors whatevers sitting up front behind a large table. They have goblets in front of them. The first one I notice is a tall man, with a very large beard and very long hair. You know, coming from his head. Not as long as mine though. Cuz mine goes down to my mid-thighs, but I put it in a way so it looks like it only goes to my mid-back. Don't ask how I manage to do it. I don't even know how I do it myself.

I continue walking. And just then, I see pug face sitting at one of the tables, glaring angrily at this somewhat white haired boy. Then her gaze shifts so she's looking at me. So, of course, she starts glaring at me instead.

I smirk and pull her wand out of my pocket. Then I mouth, 'This whatcha looking for, puggo?'

She glares even harder then she had been before and grits her teeth. Oh, I've got her mad. Oh well. Get over it, puggo.

'Get over it, fucko puggo faceo,' I mouth again. She glares at me for another 5 seconds or something then starts glaring at the white haired boys again.

Pfft, she thinks she's getting her wand back? No way in hell. Maybe give it a century, but definitely not yet.

Then a girl runs over to the table and yells the name, "PANSY!"

So puggo's name is Pansy.


FLOWER PUGGO! That is just great! Or wait... PAGGO. Pugsy. Yes, I came up with very nice names.

Now I can insult her with better names. Just wait..... I wish I knew her last name. That'd make my insults even better.

Just imagine her last name being like, Park something or Garden something. Then I could call her a pug that grew on an ugly ass flower and has now grown into a mutant zombie humanoid flower.

I make things so fucking stupid. But, like, why not? It's fun to insult people.

Ah, I'll just call her Paggo - Flower - Pugsy - Pug - That - Grew - From - An - Ugly - Ass - Flower - And - Is - Now - A - Humanoid - Zombie - Ass - Flower - Puggo.

Mhmm, next time I speak to her that's definitely what I'm going to call her.

Paggo - Flower - Pugsy - Pug - That - Grew - From - An - Ugly - Ass - Flower - And - Is - Now - A - Humanoid - Zombie - Ass - Flower - Puggo.

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