Chapter 4

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Daisy POV

Pansy runs away, which isn't surprising. Idiot.

I focus all of my attention to Draco, and study him.

Hmm, he's got the same hair color as my- I mean, his father, and his mums, but without the black. He's got Lucious's eyes, those hard grey cold ones, and pale skin. I wonder what he'd look like with a tan. He consiously runs his hand through his hair.

His mouth slightly curves into a smile. People say it's rare for Draco to have a true smile, and I guess I made him. That's nice.

"Sorry I followed you," I said courageously.

"It's all right, I could have possibly died." He said. "Th-thanks, anyway."

I nod as he pales.

"Did I just get a thanks from Draco Mal-" I laugh before Draco cuts me off.

"Shut up shut up SHUT UP," he says.

I take his hand off my mouth when he muted me and giggle.

"Come on, Draco! You're no fun!" I complain.

"Oh, I'm not fun, am I?" He says.

I shake my head.

"We've only known each other for an hour, Daisy, how do you assume anything?"

I shrug.

"You're just boring."

He sighs.

"Well thanks."

"No problem."

"Hey, what can I do?"

"What do you mean?"

"For you, because I'm alive right now."

"Oh! Um," I haven't thought that he would do that...

I couldn't ask him to do anything BIG, like do my homework or anything.

"I have an idea!" He says, taking my hand and starting to move.

"What's up?" I ask, walking with him.

"I'm taking you to get sorted," he replies.

"Oh sweet! Where is it?" I ask.

"Just in the headmistress' office, it's upstairs," Draco says, turning back to levitate my carriage.

"Crap, why didn't I think of that?" I mutter.

"Because this is your first time at Hogwarts," Draco retorts, "I listen to everything, it's a habit, since I served-" he stops. Well, stops talking and walking.

"I know, I saw," I said, "and I don't care, really. You're nice when someone gets to know you," I say.

"You don't care?" Draco asks me.

"Mm, no, not really. That's all in the past. Your pretty cool."

"Thanks," he smirks.

"Ah, don't flatter yourself, your still lame," I say once we start walking again.

Draco slicks back his hair and says ,"Ouch, that hurt. Well, a little anyway."

We walk up the stairs, and surprisingly, the oak wood staircase starts to move.

I stumble and would have fallen off  and fell to my horrid death if Draco's hadn't caught  me.

"Moron," he laughs, "you didn't know?"

"Of course not!" I mumble madly, my pale face probably burning red. 

Draco just laughs and pulls me.

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