Chapter 6

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Harry POV

Ginny throws her sock at me.

"Hurry up, Potter. McGonagall's waiting for us," she says, stuffing her things into her carriage. 

"Yeah, yeah. I've already packed," I reply.

Ginny reviews the school list.

"Why did  we need three bags of rice anyway?" She says.

I shrug, "I don't know. It seemed only to be In the sixth, seventh, and eighth year list anyway."

Ginny shrugs as well and puts the bags of rice in her carriage as well.

"Hey Fred, am I missing anything?" I ask the portrait on the wall.

"Mm, nope. Just your deodorant," the redhead replies.

I roll my eyes, "I packed it already."

Fred smiles cheekily and goes to the other frame in his twin brother's room.

I turn to the clock on the wall.

"Ginny, we need to leave now or we'll be late."

"Yeah, I know. Crap, where's my necklace?" she busies.

I roll my eyes. It's been busy at the Burrow, especially with another year going to Hogwarts. Originally, Ginny was supposed to be the only one going back for her eighth year, but McGonagall let us come back for spending a lot of time out of school while trying to destroy horcruxes.

"I'll be in Ron's room," I tell Ginny.

I walk to the attic, knock on the door, and say, "Ron! It's me Harry. Can I come in?"

I hear something crash.

"Uh, yeah.. Yeah! Come in!" Ron yells.

I turn the doorknob.

"Repairo," I hear Hermione say. She's at the edge of Ron's bed.

I see a broken glass figurine.

"Uh, hey guys. Are you almost ready?" I ask.

Hermione shoves books in her luggage.

"Yeah, just twelve more books..." she mutters.

"God, 'Mione, you could own a library," Ron says.

Hermione rolls her eyes.

"Ron over here still needs his four blankets and three wipe packages." Hermione says.

"Why do we even need them anyway? It's like we're babies or something." Ron adds.

I shrug.

I help Ron and Hermione pack. Hermione wails that she can't fit Tales Of Beedles The Bard in her luggage.

"Guys!" Ginny shouts, "We have to go NOW!"

Ron, Hermione, and I nod our heads and race out the door.


As we get to Kings Cross, we notice a lot of familiar people. The Patil Twins, Dean and Seamus who are busy making out (Ginny says she called it), Luna, Neville, Pansy, Theodore, and, of course, Draco Malfoy.

We all try not to make eye contact. Usually, Malfoy would tease us and say something rude, but he looks down. He catches my eye and I give a small smile. Not even a real smile. Just a tiny lip movement to tell him that I know it's a hard time.

Ginny pulls me over to bid farewell to Molly and Arthur. They are both holding Fred's frame.

"Bye, Ginnykins! Bring me back a toilet seat from the loo! Ronnie, don't be so uptight. Send me a letter! Hermione, put the book down for Merlin's sake. You have ALL YEAR to read!" He yells to everyone. He has a glint in his eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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