Chapter 5

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Elnor POV

I find it weird that I'm not the only person who got sorted so late on. I wonder what's up with her then...

I don't know what the hell's wrong with that hat, but it's like, weird. The thing started saying this weird stuff, like, Slytherin and stuffies. I mean, yeah, Slytherin's one of the houses, I know that much. Yet I don't know what each one stands for.

Even though I bet after a good hour with the other Slytherin's I'll know exactly how Slytherin's are. But the hat also said 'A tiny tinsy tiny bit of Ravenclaw, but, DEFINITELY-' then the hat shouted out the Slytherin thing.

Anyway, I headed out of McGona-whatevers office just a couple seconds ago. The girl I'm with has what I call white hair, even though the fancy people call it 'platinum blonde'. Anyway, she's about as white as me, but I think I'm paler. She's about 1 or 2 inches shorter then me. 

I stay quiet the whole way while I walk down, toward wherever McGona-whatever told us to go. It looks like this girl, Daisy? Anyway, she wants to talk or something, just by the way she's fidgeting and keeps looking over in my direction.

But guess what? I don't say anything, cuz I don't really wanna. Not my thing, and it probably never will be. I'm just more kept to myself.

As minutes pass, I'm finally in this place with 4 different tables, all with a bunch of people sitting at the benches for each. The tables are seperated by at least 5 feet each. There's one with a snake, one with an eagle, one with a lion, and one with a badger flag hovering over the tables. 

I don't know how I'm just assuming this, but I am. Don't judge me, but I think the green one with a snake is Slytherin. It really makes sense. Snakes match with the word Slytherin.

And I think this Daisy is at the lion one. Something about Gryffindor makes me think of some big ass furry cat, like a lion. Then I'm guessing Ravenclaw is the eagle one, saying RAVENclaw is a bird like an eagle. Then, Hufflepuff must be the badger. It's the last one left.

Plus, what's with the order of the tables? I don't really get it... The Hufflepuff table is farthest from the Slytherin table, and Ravenclaw is closest to the Slytherin. Then the Gryffindow table has two around it, and Ravenclaw also has two. Gryffindor and Hufflepuff look like the most cheerful tables, while Ravenclaw looks in between, but then Slytherin looks like a bunch of darker people. I bet I must be the darkest. Maybe not, maybe so.

I've never heard anything about magic schools since, like, earlier this month. Anyway, I head over to the table with a snake on the flag. There's a spot on the end of the bench, so I sit down. No one really acknowledges me. Nice, no one cares around here, nor looks at me. I can do whatever I want! Woohoo.

Where I sit, there's a white haired boy next to me, with these two, eh, fat kids next to him. Servants, eh? Looks like it. Then across the table is this brown hai- OH MY GOD! IT'S FUCKING PUG FACE! NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN!

And next to puggy are a couple other random ass girls. I bet if I called her pug face again she'd scream and try to murder me in my sleep. But I'm not gonna let her. I still have my older sister back at home who's waiting for me. I feel like I'm the only person who isn't caught up in a bunch of magicness.

On the table is a lot of food. Going from chicken to pork, potatoes to vegetable, and, somehow, these weird ass peppermint thingys.

I'll just have some fries and uh......... like, no joke, none of this looks too good to me. And I have a glass of water with me too. Very cold water at that. 

I eat some of the fries and finish my water. Then, about 5 minutes later, the food disappears and desserts appear on the table instead.

Ooh. Saying I'm more of a dessert person, all of this looks decently good. Like, none of it looks bad. I don't like eating dinner cuz... well, they don't have any of the food I like to eat.

Wait.. there's a lot of ice cream. No, seriously, a lot. I don't know what to e- Nope, I want the mint ice cream.

I eat a little bit of the ice cream then examine the room.

The tables are really long, and the whole room is neatly decorated with torches to light up the room. In the front, there's a table like thing with a bunch of, what I assume are, professers and teachers. They are all talking, while the have wine on their table, while we don't. No fair.. Haha, just kiddin.

Anyway, everyone here, except me, are talking to their friends and having a feast. They're gonna get fast, saying they probably don't play sports, because 'that's a Muggle thing'.

Oh, but being them, there just has to be a spell to take the fat right off. I don't like it here already.

I bet my sister is running around her room, wondering how I'm doing. I feel bad for my sister. She does a lot for herself and me.

But anyway, after all the dessert is gone, not literally, the McGona-whatever says a little bit of stuffies, and everyone heads on out.

I don't really know where I'm going, so I decide to follow everyone else who's a Slytherin, and, while everyone else is talking, I'm just silent.

A few minutes pass and we're all in this random ass greenish and really dimly lighted room. I'm assuming this is the common room for Slytherin's, yeah? Not like anyone's gonna answer my question.


Heller. Don't expect this chapter to be good, I just pulled all of this out of my a- NOPE. I SHALL NOT.

Anyway, my friend didn't update for a while, so now, since she did, finally ugh, I have updated.

Just... don't expect updates every single day or week.


A New YearTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon