Part 11 ( End )

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I do believe all the love you give
All of the things you do
Love you, Love you....
I'll keep you safe, don't you worry

I wouldn't leave, wanna keep you near
Cause i feel the same way too
Love you, Love you....
Want you to know that I'm with you

I will love you and love you and love you
Gonna hold you and hold you and squeeze you
I will please you for all time

I don't wanna lose you and lose you and lose you
Cause I need you and need you and need you
So I want you to be my lady
You've got to understand my love....

You are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl
You are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl

I will love you and love you and love you
Gonna hold you and hold you and squeeze you
I will please you for all time

I don't wanna lose you and lose you and lose you
Cause I need you and need you and need you
So I want you to be my lady
You've got to understand my love....

You are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl
You are beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl



Baekhyun dan Chanyeol langsung berdiri sambil menundukan badannya

"Wahh..penampilan kalian bagus sekali.."

"Kamshanida eommonim.."

Heechul langsung menyerahkan Jiwon kepada Chanyeol karena Jiwon dari tadi ribut ingin sekali digendong oleh daddynya.

"Eomma kedepan dulu ya..mau menyambut tamu lagi"

"Arraseo eomma..gomawo sudah menjaga Wonie tadi"

"Aigoo..anak daddy kangen dengan daddy eohh..bagaimana penampilan Daddy dan mommy tadi"

"Daddy ma mommy kelen cekali..kekeke"

"Aigo..jinjja..hehehe..Wonie hebat sekali memujinya"

"Sini sama mommy dulu nee..Chan kamu hampiri saja Yoora noona dulu sana,aku ingin beristirahat disini bersama Wonie"

Wajah Baekhyun sedikit berkeringatan dan agak pucat yang membuat Chanyeol jadi cemas.

"Kamu tidak apa-apa Baekkie..wajahmu sedikit pucat chagi??"

"Gwaechana..mungkin aku cuma sedikit kepanasan..blazernya membuatku sedikit sesak Yeollie"

"Lepas saja kalau begitu..aku akan menghampiri Yoora noona dan suaminya sebentar lalu kita langsung pulang saja ya"

"Jangan..masa kita langsung pulang saja..tidak enaklah Yeollie..ini kan pesta pernikahan noonamu..kita harus disini sampai acara selesailah?"

"Tapi kesehatanmu lebih penting chagi,apalagi dari pagi aku melihatmu muntah-muntah terus..aku sangat khawatir"

"Tidak apa-apa kok..aku hanya perlu istirahat sebentar saja kok...cha..sana temui Yoora noona dulu..aku akan menunggu disini.."

"Baiklah..nanti akan kupanggilkan Luhan gege dan Kyungsoo juga untuk menemanimu dan menjaga disini arraseo.."


Beberapa saat kemudian

"Baekhyunie/Baekhyun hyung"

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