chapter twenty eight

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hour later;

Kristine Dallas POV

Jack and I didn't really speak the whole journey except for whenever he was telling me to turn left or right,"So, what match were you watching today?"Jack asks, trying to make conversation.

"I was watching Walker play his match"I say, showing a small smile.

"Oh isn't that nice"Jack sarcastically says.

"Yeah, it actually was nice" I snap. Jack used to get really jealous easily when we were dating and he still does even though we aren't together.

"Do you like him?"Jack whispers. I glance over at him and he looks upset.

"I don't know " I admit. Walker is lovely and we were a match made in heaven but we've only met, "How about Estella? Do you like her?"

"I've never liked her

"Why'd you kiss her then?"

"She kissed me," He sighs, "I would never of done that to you. I love you "

I loved Jack too but I just couldn't forgive him, "I don't know what to say, Jack" I sigh, "A lot has happened"

"You might never forgive me but I'll always love you,"

"I might never forgive you but I'll always love you," I tell him.

Cameron Dallas POV

"Cameron, we need to pull over for gas"Cara says.

"We can't" I panic. What if there is police there or 'Most wanted' signs with my face on it, "We'll get caught"

"We'll get caught even quicker if we break down halfway"

"Cara, be quick" She nods.

I pull over at a gas station, "Want anything?"

"No, just hurry up" I was scared. Really scared. What if a police car pulls over or something?

Cara stepped out of the car and I watched her step inside the shop, "Hello..." I hear a voice. I quickly glance out the window and a police man was there. Shit.

(Author Note; this chapter wasn't really good and I'm sorry because so many wanted an update:( but Itll hopefully get better. Next update at 14 likes and could everyone answer questions below in the comments;

Favourite boy&girl chacter + why( eg, I like Matthew and Kristine)

Who do you ship?

What do you want to happen with Cara&Cameron?

Do you think Jack and Kristine should move on and Kristine should start dating walker?

Answer below please!)

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