chapter thirty four

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Kristine Dallas POV

the tears were pouring down my cheeks as Cameron and Cara walked in,"Of course we came" Cameron says, taking a seat next to me. He grabs onto my left hand and squeezes it, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Have you seen Jack? Is he okay?" I quickly ask. The doctors weren't allowing me to leave the room and they wouldn't tell me anything!

"He looks so peaceful" Cara whispers. Her eyes were all red and puffy so I knew she was crying, "Kristine,what were his last words before you know.. you guys crashed"

I felt a lump in my throat as i start getting flash backs from the crash, "He shouted my name .." I whisper, "And he didn't wake up to hear me respond.."

I saw tears rolling down Cara's cheek. Cameron wraps his arm around her and kisses her cheek, "It's okay, beautiful. Everything is going to be okay" Cameron whispers to her. Jack used to always do that to me whenever I was upset.

"I'm sorry, Cara.." I whisper. It broke my heart seeing her like this, "I was too careless on the road and I was under so much stress"

"It isn't your fault, Kristine" Cara tells me. She looks up at me and forces a smile, "Thanks for making my brother happy"

"Cara, he isn't dead"Cameron firmly tells her.

"Well he isn't living either, Cameron!" She snaps. Whenever she said those words, I burst into tears, "He can't even react with any of us!"

This was all my fault.

"Listen here, girls" Cameron says, grabbing back onto my left hand and he looks at us both, "You two are a lot stronger than this. Jack will get over this!"

"Jack is really strong .." I admit as I wipe my tears.

Cara, Cameron and I spent a few more minutes speaking about the accident but there wasn't much to say since we basically cried most the time.

Jack Johnson POV

I sit next to Jack's side as I watch him just lying there. It was like he was just sleeping, "Sir, you need to leave now" The doctor orders.

"No" I firmly say as I watch Jack. I wasn't leaving my best friends side specially if he's in a coma, "I'm staying"

"Your leaving" The doctor grabs me but I push him off.

"I'm staying!" I yell at him.

"Dude, calm down" Taylor says, quietly.

I quickly turn around and glares at him,"What you going to do? Black mail me till I keep quiet? Id like to see you try" I scoff.

"We'll come back tomorrow, Johnson. Let's just go" Nash says, calmly.

Maybe he was right, "sorry" I apologise to the doctor but he just rolls his eyes. Rude.

Nash leads me out the hospital room. I quickly glance over at Jack one more time before I step outside, "He wouldn't be in a coma right now if it wasn't for you two" I growl as I point to Shawn and Taylor.

They both look down at the ground, frowning, "Hey, this is no time to be pointing fingers . We all need to stay calm and strong for Jack and Kristine"Aaron gives out, "Let's go visit Kristine"

(Author note; this chapter was really bad and so was the last. I might do a double update if I have time! It's really rushed and I'm sorry! Next update at maybe 14 likes? Also could everyone comment what you think so far and do you think everyone is a little harsh on taylor&Shawn? )

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