Mini Ladd x Reader | Cherry Pie

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Okay, so this chapter will be based around the song "Cherry Pie" by Warrant. I love this song so I decided to make a fic about it :)
Also, I know it's long and the lyrics are kinda stretched out, but it was the only idea I had for this chapter, okay? I needed to write something xD


{Mini's POV}

     Dirty! Rotten! Filthy! Stinkin'! The opening lyrics of a familiar song blasted through the cars speakers. I smiled, turning the radio up louder and winding the window down. I rested my arm just out side the window and let the cool breeze that was rushing past grip my hair and push it back.

She's my cherry pie -
Cool drink o' water,
Such a sweet suprise!
Tastes so good,
Make a grown man cry.
Sweet cherry pie!

     I drove through the maze of streets in the city, music blaring, threatening to break my speakers. I didn't care though. I hummed along to the tune loudly and tapped the beat on the car door, slowing down to a stop at the red light.

     As I waited for the light to change, I heard the song get louder. I looked to my left to see another car pull up beside me, 'Cherry Pie' turned up to a deafening volume. The girl seated just a few meters away from me grinned and rocked her head back and forth, mouthing the lyrics - or was she singing them? The music was too loud to hear.

Well, swingin' on the front porch,
Swingin' on the lawn.
Swingin' where we want,
'Cause there ain't nobody home!

     I took note of her looks in case I ran into her again; shiny (h/c) hair that swished behind her head and (sun)glasses that hung precariously from her nose during her headbanging. Dark cherry red lips curled up into an ear-to-ear grin as she spotted me staring and began to sing towards me instead. I blushed and smiled shyly. She was stunning, to say the least. I couldn't keep my eyes - and my mind - off her. I silently lip-synced to the song with her; I couldn't believe this was happening.

Swingin' to the left and
Swingin' to the right.
If I think about baseball,
I'll swing all night, yeah!

     A car horn honking brought me out of my daydream. The lights had turned green and the cars behind me were waiting to go. I caught a last glimpse of the girl before she sped off down the bitumen; she giggled as she winked and pointed to me, then to her chin. I watched as the wheels of her car took her away from me, never to be seen again.

     As I dropped my foot on the accelerate pedal, I realised what she had meant when she pointed; I was drooling all over myself. With one hand on the steering wheel, I used the other to wipe the spit off my chin and then proceeded to wipe it on my pants.

     My face felt hot so I trusted the wind to cool me down, and hopefully hide some of my embarrassment... She was one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen. There was something about her - I didn't know what it is was, but that something had captured my attention and I wasn't going to get it back.


{Your POV}

     My favourite song came on the radio; this was a really rare thing as it was barely ever aired. I enjoyed it while I could. I twisted the volume knob and turned the radio up as loud as I could stand - which was still incredibly loud. I sang along to the lyrics loudly, but I was still inaudible compared to the music, so at least no one would hear my terrible screeching.

     I pulled up at the red light and tapped the beat on my steering wheel while throwing my head back and forth in rhythm. It wasn't until I felt a pair of eyes on me that I paused my actions for a moment. The guy in the car next to me was watching, a small smile on his face. I flashed him a grin and continued on with my antics.

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