Terroriser x Reader | Hide and Text

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SORRY, IT'S A WEEK LATE. My internet has been the worst thanks to storms here and I can't even watch the Rooster Teeth Extra Life stream :''(

Anyway, enjoy some cute Terroriser fluff. I'm thinking of doing a part 2, maybe one with some smut? Let me know if you want that ;)


Hiding was fun, until you had nowhere to go.

"Oh, (Y/N), I'm gonna find you!" Brian called out, leaning close to his microphone.

"HA! You ain't never gonna find me..." I replied in a deep southern accent, keeping my character still.

We were playing Gmod Hide and Seek; Vanoss, Moo, Mini, Wildcat, Nogla, Brian, and I were all in a call, trying our hardest to fight against the clock to win. Evan, Tyler, Brock and I were all hiding still but unfortunately, Craig and David had already been found by Brian. At first we were all hiding together, but when Brian found us huddled in a corner, we split. Sadly, he caught Mini and Nogla at the beginning of the round.

I huffed as I glanced at the timer at the top of my screen; not even a minute had gone by already and two former teammates were down.

"Oh, are you so sure about that?" Brian chuckled, "Well, too bad, because I already found yo-! Oh, that's Brock..."

Brock and I laughed loudly at Brian's mishap before the others joined in. Brian kept quiet for a few moments before trying to defend himself.

"Yeah, okay, I get it... You can't see people's names when you're seeking. At least I got one, alright? Fockin' dicks." He mumbled the last part but his mic still picked it up, causing us to laugh louder.

After we calmed down, I decided I wanted to move from my hiding place and find somewhere better. I made sure to stay alert and run if I saw any red, but luckily, I made it to a building that didn't seem occupied. I prodded the 'E' button on my keyboard and the door opened slightly before closing again. I thought maybe I had pressed it again on accident, so I tried opening it once more. Alas, the same thing happened.

"Why won't this door open?" I asked in a hushed, frustrated tone. I kept jabbing the 'E' button, hoping maybe the problem was a glitch before I hear Evan chuckling. "What's so funny?"

The door opened in front of me and I saw a character with a blue shirt. As I looked up, the name "Vanoss" flashed in front of me causing me to sigh deeply. Evan laughed.

"Sorry, (Y/N), thought you were Terroriser," He says, stepping aside to let me in. I thanked him and shut the door behind me. The place wasn't too big, but there was a stairway at the far end going up and another going down. I looked to my left and saw a pile of large wooden boxes and a small window that looked out to the street. It was then that I noticed a red shirt flash by outside the window--but only for a brief second.

"Hey, Evan, have you explored the building yet or what?" I asked, trying to figure out a plan to keep us safe and untagged.

"Nah, I only got here a little bit before you did."

"Okay, well how about we-" I was rudely interrupted by Tyler screaming and Craig yelling, obviously trying to chase him down.

"No! Why can't I catch you!?" Craig shouts, getting louder each time he talks. "Oh, there we go."

He laughs as Tyler groans, upset that he didn't get away fast enough.

"Don't worry Evan, (Y/N), if I find you, I won't tell. I won't let them get you," Tyler remarks, being the great friend he is.

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