Wildcat & Mini x Reader | Three's A Crowd (Smut)

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You have been warned ;) This one's a long one, too lol


The apartment was quiet as the front door creaked open. I stepped inside, followed by Tyler. I called out to see if anyone was home, but they weren't back yet. See, Tyler and I had gone on a lovely date while the rest of the guys went on a "Guys Night Out" sort of thing. They had been working really hard lately so they deserved it, and I was finally glad to have some well-deserved alone time with my boyfriend.

Tyler faced me as he kicked the door shut, not caring if it slammed behind us. He stepped over to me, pressing his lips against mine in a short, sweet kiss. I beamed up at him, radiating with happiness.

"Thank you for taking me out tonight, Ty, I loved every moment of it," I grinned, truly appreciating him. He smiled back, leaning close.

"Well, it's my pleasure. I love taking you out on dates, and I love you," He kissed me before I could reply, already knowing that I would have echoed his words. I kissed back, enjoying his warmth as I gripped his jacket to pull him as close as I could.

Soon, our kisses began to get heated. Tyler began shuffling us toward the closest room: the lounge room. We bumped into a few walls and tables on our way there, but we made it safe and sound, never breaking the kiss between us. Tyler began to remove his jacket, as did I. We broke apart once we realised that we would soon become ensnared in our clothing if we stayed together. He threw his jacket across the room, turning back to me just as it crumpled into a heap on the plush carpet—I only tossed mine over the couch gently, not wanting to wrinkle it too much.

We've done this before—fuck on the couch, that is. In fact, we've done it several times since it's the comfiest place in the whole apartment; we're not sure if the guys know about it, but so far, they haven't caught us so I think we're safe. We only do it in the lounge room when everyone's out, otherwise we'll be in our room. But I think it's safe to say that we'll be alone tonight.

Tyler began to give me a short strip tease, unbuttoning his white shirt ever so slowly. I bit my lip as I watched in silence. He always looked flawless in a suit, especially with the shirt open a little at the top. One by one, the buttons came undone, and with each one, I took a step closer to him. Finally, I was inches from his face and his shirt was now wide open. Staring into each other's eyes, he pulled the shirt off his shoulders and then down his arms, the soft, silky material swishing with every move.

Next, Tyler started to unbuckle his belt, the clinking of the gold clasp resounding throughout the room. Swiftly, he pulled the belt from its loops and held it in his hands. "If you're not careful, I may have to use this on you."

He always knew how to get me excited. "Maybe next time, lover boy," I smirked widely, knowing that indeed, if I wanted, he would use that belt on me. Tyler continued to remove his clothes as I stood there, eyeing him. I knew I should be taking mine off also, but I just couldn't help observing him. He did things in certain ways that just made him look so amazing. His muscles flexed as he unzipped his pants and dropped them to his ankles, kicking them off with his shoes and socks. He stood in his underwear, the show now over. My eyes fell from his and began exploring his almost naked body. My hands reached out to feel his chest, fingertips grazing his skin in hunger.

Tyler growled deeply, turning me on. Quickly, I unzipped my dress and it plummeted to the floor with the rest of Tyler's clothes. Now I, too, stood half naked. Just as my eyes met with his, he kissed me with a passionate want. His desire was evident as I felt him reach for my bra to unfasten it immediately; he tugged it from my shoulders and let it fall to the floor as we began to move in sync over to the couch.

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