Vacation Plans

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“Willow!?“ my mom shouts from downstairs. “What?“ I yell back.
“Please come here real quick“ she says still shouting.
I walk downstairs to the kitchen where my mom cooks dinner.
“What do you want“ I ask her. “Jacobs mom just called and asked if you wanted to go on vacation with Jacob, Caroline, their dad and her..“ she tells me. “Yess, of course!“ I say and smile “Can I please go?“ I ask her excited.
“Yes if you want to“ she answers.
“Yayyy, thank you“ I give her a kiss on the cheek. She smiles.
“And where are they going?“ I ask.
“On a private​ island!“ she says emphatic. “Uhhhh“ I say getting even more excited “how fancy oh my god“
We both laugh. “I know, right“ my mom says still smiling.
“And when am I going?“ I form one more question.
“This weekend“ my mom responses.
“Already?! I'm so excited“ I say giggling. My mom laughs again.
“Imma go pack my stuff now!“ I say happily as I go up to my room.

I look at my phone and see that I got a text from Jacob.

Jacob: Hello
Me: Hi Jacob
Jacob: What's up?
Me: My mom just told me that I can come on vacation with you and your family:)
Jacob: So she's okay with it?
Me: Yesss
Jacob: Cool:)
Me: I know, I'm so excited
Jacob: haha me too
Me: Like I've never been on a private island before. That's so fancy :D
Jacob: You're too cute lol :,D
Me: haha I'm gonna pack my stuff now
Jacob: ok, see ya:)

I open my closet and take out all the clothes I own.
“What do I take with me?“ I ask myself and look at the mess on my bed. After a while of just looking at my wardrobe, I decide to take just everything with me cause I cant choose.

“Willow!“ my mom calls me again “Food is ready“
“I'm coming“ I shout back.

I eat dinner with my mom.
“This is delicious“ I say and give my mom a smile. “Thanks honey“ she says.
After dinner I go in my room and once again see a text from Jacob.

Jacob: Hi again
Me: What's up?
Jacob: Done with packing yet?
Me: Yeah..
Jacob: Can I come over? :D
Me: Sure:)
Jacob: Coming.. :)

We live right next to each other, so he should be here any minute.
And I already hear a knock on my door. The door opens and Jacob's head looks in my room.
“Hii“ I say and smile. “Hello, can I come in?“ Jacob still asks that, even tho he's been in this house over a million times, he's so decent.
“Of course“ I answer like every time.
I stand up and we hug each other tight. “I missed you“ he says.
I smile.
We let go. “So, what do you wanna do?“ I ask him.
“I don't know, you tell me“ he smiles.
“Movie?“ I say. “Okay“ he says and gets my laptop.
“What movie...“ he mumbles.
“Uhmm.. a funny one“ I suggest.
“Yeah, what about.. oh no I got it!“ he says and laughs. He starts typing.
“Dirty dancing?“ I laugh too.
“Yesss! I love that movie“ he smiles.
I grin as he plays the movie.
We lay on my bed and get the blanket.
We cuddle together as the music of the movie starts playing.

I startle out of my sleep.
I look at my phone. It's 09:43am.
I yawn and feel Jacob laying behind me. I smile to myself. He's the cutest, when he sleeps.
I get out of bed and I proceed to the bathroom.

When I come back, Jacob is still asleep. I put on a sweatshirt and leggings. Then I wake him up.
“Jacob! Wake up!“ He slowly opens his eyes. He looks at me and smiles.
“Morning“ he says sleepy. “Morning. Do you want breakfast too? I'm about to go make some“ I tell him.
“Yes, sure. Wait.. Imma get up and help you“

We both walk downstairs in the kitchen to go and make food.
On the dining table is a note from my mom. “What does it say?“ Jacob asks while grabbing a glass​ of water.
“She's at work“ I answer his question.

We're making pancakes while listening to Justin Bieber.
The song “Fall“ suddenly comes on.
“I love this one“ I say. “I know, me too“ Jacob smiles.
“What do you want to do after breakfast?“ I ask him as I heat up the oil in the pan.
“We could go on a walk.. like saunter to the park or something“ Jacob suggests. “Yes, we could“ I say.
We finish making our pancakes and we eat.

“Do you still wanna go to the park?“ I ask Jacob after we ate.
“Sure, you too?“ is his answer.
“Yes“ I say. “Ok cool“ Jacob replies with a smile.
We get up and walk to my room, where I put on a cap and take my phone. “Do you have the music box?“ I ask Jacob. “Yup“ he says and holds it up, to show me.
Then we walk downstairs and go outside.

Second​ Chapter:) Hope you enjoyed

«Why did you do this to me?» // Jacob Sartorius Imagineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن