The next day

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Willow just showered and walks down the stairs. Jacob and his family are already sitting at the dinning table.

They all eat the delicious dinner Jacob's mom made. "Willow! Finally you're here too" Jacob's dad says.
"Sorry we already started eating.." Jacob's mom apologizes. "It's totally fine, I did take a long time to get up" Willow says laughing. The whole Sartorius family laughs too.

After breakfast Willow and Jacob go outside. They're sitting on the patio. "This view is so beautiful" Willow enthuses. Jacob smiles and says "I could show you the island today."
"Yes, that would be so cool" Willow answers excited.
"Why don't we do it right now?" Jacob says with a big smile. "You're right" Willow responses also smiling.
The two get up and walk inside the house to get ready.

"Willow you ready?" Jacob shouts from down the living room.
Willow is in her room, just getting her purse. "Coming!" she shouts back.
"Let's go!" Jacob says as Willow comes down the stairs.
They walk down to the beach together. "It's just so nice out here" Willow says. Jacob grins. "Enjoying it so far?" he says. "Yes!" Willow answers enthusiastic.
They arrive at the water and both sit down in the sand.
"But it is lowkey boring, cause no one else is here" Willow says. "Yeah that's true" Jacob answers "I'm here though" he continues smiling.
"Yeah alright.." Willow says as they both laugh.
"Remember when we went on this mountain together and then it started to rain and you fell in that lake?" Jacob starts to remember.
"Oh shut up" Willow says and pushes him. He laughs.
"And at the restaurant we went to after that, everyone was looking weird at you" he continues laughing. "That was so embarrassing" Willow says laughing. They both become silent and look at the sky. "This cloud looks like an elephant" Willow says.
"What where?" Jacob asks. "Right there" Willow says and points with her finger towards the sky.
"Ohh there" Jacob says and smiles.
"This one looks like an eyebrow" Jacob says. "An eyebrow?" Willow asks laughing. "Yes look" Jacob says and starts laughing too.
"You're right" Willow says still laughing.
Jacob suddenly gets up. "What are you doing?" Willow asks. "Let's go swimming" Jacob says with an excited smile and takes off his shirt. Willow is still laying in the sand. "Come on!" Jacob says and takes her hands to help her get up. She stands up smiling.
She takes off her dress and they both run towards the water and into it.
Jacob splashes Willow with the water. "Stop" she says laughing and splashes back at him. They have fun in the water and after a while they go back to the shore.
Tired they lay down in the sand.
"What do you wanna do now?" Jacob asks exhausted. "I don't know, what are the options?" Willow answers. "We could explore the lost castle" Jacob suggests. "That sounds a little scary" Willow hesitates. "Come one it's gonna be fun" Jacob tries to persuade her. She looks at him uncertainly. "Please" Jacob says and smiles. "Okay then" Willow says, knowing that she can't change his mind now.
So they walk to the castle. "Have you been there before?" Willow asks Jacob. "Well, not inside but yeah" he answers. "What!? Jacob!" Willow says.
"What?" he asks laughing.
Willow rolls her eyes.
"Why is it called the lost castle though?" she then asks. "Because no one has been living there for thousands of years" Jacob explains "plus they say it's haunted so yeah.."
"Jacob!" Willow says "I'm really not trying to get possessed"
"We're not getting possesses" Jacob says laughing. "Jacob, this is not funny" Willow says "like this is not something to joke about!"
"Okay.. calm down" Jacob answers.
"Jacob I'm just worried, ok!?" Willow says seriously.
"Okay..!" he says and lifts his hands up to both sides of his head.
"Then where do you wanna go?"
“Let's go back then“ Jacob answers her question. Willow knows he's mad now. Though it's never happened because of her. “Why are you mad now?“ Willow asks him.
Jacob just keeps on walking back, instead of answering Willows question. “Jacob!?“ Willow says a bit confused. Jacob normally doesn't act like that at all. Especially not with her.
Jacob stays silent.
They walk home, not saying another word.

This was chapter 4, hope you guys enjoyed it :)

«Why did you do this to me?» // Jacob Sartorius ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now