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Willow wakes up bathed in sweat. Did last night really happen? Was it just a dream? She gets out of her bed and walks into the bathroom.
She washes her face and calms down her heavy breathing. After she kinda pulled herself together, she goes back to her bed. It's exactly 3:00am.
This worries her, cause you know what they say about this exact hour.
She lays herself back in her bed, even though she's not tired at all.
Willow closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She opens her eyes back up and for a second her heart stops beating. Jacob is standing in the corner of her room. He doesn't say a word and just looks at her in the same creepy way as he did in the kitchen, earlier this night.
He slowly walk towards her. Willow moves away from him just as slowly and very tensed. He keeps on looking at her, telling her through his eyes to not be scared. But she is more afraid, than she's ever been in her entire life.
Jacob is now only a few feet away from her. Willow gets off her bed and tries to move towards the door. But Jacob is faster and now there's no escape. Jacob moves closer and closer.
Willows eyes are full of fear and panic. Her head is full of questions.
Then, with a hectic movement, Jacob takes her arm, pulls her to him, facing her back. He puts his hand on her nose and mouth area, pressing a cloth on it. Willow suddenly feels dizzy and perceives how her eyelids get heavier and heavier. Until everything around her is just black.

Willow opens her eyes. Everything around her is dark. She tries to put up her hands to rub her eyes, but she can't do it. She realises, that she has handcuffs on. She senses the feeling of panic starting to slowly increase in her whole body. She desperately tries to escape from the handcuffs, but they're too tight around her wrist, so they cut into her skin.
“Jacob?! Where am I?“ she asks in the desperate silence. Nothing. “Hello?“ The tone of her voice just gets lost in this oppressive silence.
The panic takes over her and she breaks down in dolorous tears.
After a while Willow finally hears a voice saying: “Don't cry my beautiful soul. There's no need to be so sad.“ Willow sobs. “Who are you?“ she says heavily breathing. “I am a lost soul, trapped in between heaven and hell.“ “Where is Jacob?“ Willow asks getting confused. “And where are we?“ she continues with questions.
“Oh Jacob.. that poor thing. I'd rather not tell you what's happening to him.“ the person says. “Where is he?!“ Willow says while her eyes fill up with tears again. “He's on his way... to become what I am.“ “What does that mean?!!“ Willow says shocked and confused. “I don't even know it myself, but... nothing good“
Willow can feel the dark smile of the thing that keeps her in captivity. The tears run down her checks and won't stop. What is happening to Jacob? Is he here? Is it her fault? “Where are we?“ she asks again.
“Do you remember where your little friend Jacob wanted to go this past afternoon?“ “The castle..“ Willow whispers to herself. “But.. why am I here? What do you want from me?“
“I saw the life and the happiness you and him had, when you were at that beach.. I needed that kind of zest for life and I couldn't resist.“
“But.. why would you..?“ Willow tries to say something. “I love to see the confusion on the faces of my victims“ the creature smirks in the scariest way. Even though Willow can't see it, she gets goosebumps all over her body. “I need to sacrifice your lives, to get mine back.“ Willow gets more and more confused with every second. She never believed in such paranormal stuff. This has to be a bad joke?! “Please! Tell me where Jacob is!!“ Willow implores. “He's here.“ The stranger said. And all of a sudden a beam of light leaks through the darkness. And at the end of the beam is the person Willow loves the most; Jacob.

And that's it for chapter 6, hope you guys enjoyed ;)
Also, sorry for not uploading very often. But I really don't have a lot of time cause of school and all that stuff so please be patient.
I love writing this imagine so much omg

«Why did you do this to me?» // Jacob Sartorius ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now