Chapter 12

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''Sydney? Are you talking to yourself?''

I freaked out. I found my phone and picked it up.

''No! I'm talking on the phone!''

In the meantime, Colby has somehow squeezed under my bed.

I don't understand how he got in there.

My dad entered my room, without even knocking and I pretended that I was talking on the phone.

''Who are you talking with?''

He asked.

''With Amanda.''

''About what?''

''Basically about everything and nothing at the same time...''

''Are you sure you're talking on the phone? I swear I heard a male voice...''

''Dad. Of course I'm talking on the phone...''

He came up to me and took my phone.


I got terrified.

''Why is your screen black? I thought you were talking on the phone?''

I thought quickly.

''My phone died! I had 1%.''

I took my phone away from him before he could try to turn it on.

''If you say so...I'm still not 100 percent convinced.''

He said.

''Why did you come here?''

I asked.

'I just wanted to talk to you and say that I'm sorry an-''

''Let's talk tomorrow cause I'm really tired right now...''

He didn't say anything for a minute or so.

'Okay. Goodnight.''


He walked out.

''At least close my door!''

No answer.

I closed the door myself.

''Okay it's safe now.''

I said.

Colby was still under my bed.

''I'm stuck.'

He said and I laughed.


''I'm stuck. Under your bed.''

''You do realize that my closet is a better hiding spot right?''

''Mmmmmm nah.''

I bent down to help him.

''How did you even squeeze in here?''

''I'm a ninja.''


I grabbed his leg and pulled him out.

''I got a carpet burn!''

''Well that's what you get for being an idiot.''

Was what half of my mind was saying. The other half was saying that he deserved this and even more so he could feel the pain that he caused to me.

''Thanks...I guess.''

He said.

''Guess? I just helped you get out of a hole.''

''But I got a carpet burn.''

''Oh my God...You're such a baby.''

He started saying something but didn't finish it.


I asked.


''Tell me!''

''It's nothing.''

''I hate it when people do that. You can't just start a sentence and not finish it.''

''Well I just did.''

I rolled my eyes.

''You should probably get out in case my dad decides to come back here.''

I said.


He raised his hands motioning for a hug.

I looked at him weirdly.

''What? Won't you give me a hug?''

I sighed.


I hugged him. He's like a giant teddy bear. So squishy!

I sound like a 2 year old.



He climbed down the tree and I waved goodbye to him. He waved back.

So are we...friends now?

It feels really weird...

It's like he is a totally different person.

But I guess I like it..

I crashed on my bed and let my thoughts take over me.

Then I remembered what Sam once told me...

''We need to get him to love you.''

But we are nice to each other


Ours- Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now