Chapter 2- Azami

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Chapter 2- Azami



I lowered my head to the ever so hot water in the tub. My head was in the water about half way so I could still breath.

"Enjoying your bath Azami?" Rose asked through the wooden door that lead to the narrow hallway of her apartment. "Bsjdjsjgkjvdyydcnpuasvguugpskks," I replied, my mouth in the water.



She giggled. "Well dont stay too long or you'll turn into a prune!"

"Maybe I want to be a prune."

"Haha. No really, don't waste water please."

"I'M A LITTLE PINK MERMAID!! LEEDY LEEDY LEEDY!!!" I scream at her through the door.

I heard her laugh from the other side. "God Letos Azami, you know exactly what to say to make a person laugh." Her voice got quieter as she walked away. Too bad this is all a lie, I thought as I sank back down into the warm water.


I wrapped the towel around my light pink hair to dry it quicker. Rose had left some of her clothes in the sink for me to wear. I slowly bent down to my pile of dirty clothes on the floor and picked up my pants, digging through the right pocket. My state alchemist watch.

Next I went to the left one and pulled out a picture.

In it was three little girls around an older woman. The little girls were about at the age five and the woman was around the age 30. Us.

This was me, my sisters and our mother. But really one look at these people and you wouldn't guess that we were even related.

Our mother sat in the middle as we surrounded her. She had a long beautiful golden-like hair that was accompanied by a 1,000 watt smile and angelic violet eyes.

On the right was Katzumi. She had really dark navy blue hair, and when she was inside a place with really heavy lighting, her hair would look like it was pure darkness. Her eyes were so dark they were almost black, but her personality wasn't like that once you got to know her. She sat on the floor, her silver dress covering up her legs as she held our mothers right arm.

The girl in the left was Kaminari. Again, we didn't look anything alike, so she had a dark copper hair with light grey eyes. I remembered that before the picture some boy had pushed her to the ground, making her red dress tear. She punched the guy down and gave him a bloody nose in response. She held onto our mothers other arm, grinning brightly, and she sat on the floor like Katzumi.

Lastly, there was me. I had my chin on our moms head and my arms wrapped around her neck. My dress was mostly covered up, but I remembered that it was light blue. Just like my eyes. I really felt like the odd one. Especially with my pink hair. People would always ask if I dyed it, but they could never see that it was my natural color. I was always the one that was bullied because of it but when we were separated, I decided to keep my hair this way, so if I ever found them they would recognize me. Azami Kobayashi. At least I hope they do, since my eyes changed.

I reached up and touched my eyelids uncertainty. Ever since the experiments, my eyes had changed from light blue to red and silver. My silver one started to tear up, but I quickly wiped it away. I stuffed the picture in the pair of shorts Rose had spared me and quickly put them on. Then I reached for my wig that was under the guest bed.


"Thanks again Rose," I said as I began to carry my bag... and by carry I mean drag it.

Rose giggled at my troubles. "Are you sure you dont need help?"

"Im positive." I waved at her as I began to board the train to Central.

I was on my way.

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