Chapter 7- Katzumi

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Chapter 7- Katzumi



The dude who basically asked me on a date spoke up. "Is Azami with you?" He asked. Rose shook her head. "No, she left earlier today."

My stomach dropped. "Rose," I asked slowly. "Azami... What was her last name?" I asked, fearing the answer. "It was Kobayashi. Why, do you know her?"

I almost threw up. Azami. Azami Kobayashi. I dropped to my knees, hyperventilating.

My sister was here?


Ed as Al immediately bombarded Rose with questions. "Where did she go?!?" Al asked finally. "C-Central!" Rose squeaked, startled. Ed grabbed me by the arm and began towing me away with Al on his heels, but I yanked my arm out of his grasp. "No! You're looking for something too! You can't just drop what you're doing to help me!" I shouted.

Ed growled, reaching for my arm again. "Yes we can! Your sisters are more important than the Stone!" He insisted. I stomped my foot in frustration. "No, Ed!" I shouted. The man gave a shout of alarm, and suddenly the pan he was cleaning was attached to my arm. "What the-" I started, before being cut off as a metal key chain was yanked out of a woman's grasp behind me, plastering itself to my back. "Hey! What the heck?!" I asked, detaching the pan from my arm and chucking it at the counter. "Hmm," Al said, and after a bit of prying, he plucked the keys off my back.

I cussed. And then there was a Pipsqueak attached to my other arm. "What the freak?!?" Ed shouted, "Let go of me!" I panicked. "I can't! You let go!" I shouted back. And then a panicking Al was sliding towards me. "CRAP! STOP!" I shouted. And it did stop. Ed collapsed next to me, and Al stopped sliding. Me, being me, had to figure out the reason for all of this. "What are you doing?" Ed asked as I picked up his automail arm and examined it. "Everything happens for a reason, Ed. There's gotta be a connection!"

I picked up the pan and the keys next, and then looked at Al. "Oh! Got it!" I shouted. "It's all made of metal!" They looked at me oddly. "So?" I huffed angrily. "You wouldn't understand! He said this would happen, He said--" I stopped. "Never mind, we have to get going," I muttered.


"What do you think?" Ed asked as he stood on his suitcase to get a better view. "Well, it looks pretty obvious," Al's hollow voice replied, "He's using alchemy." I nodded in agreement as we watched the 'Miracle Gathering' the baka priest was giving.

"But something's wrong," I said, crossing my arms. "It's not equal-" I was cut off by Rose as she pushed through the crowd. "Hey guys!" She grinned. "How are you liking your first Miracle Gathering, he's amazing, isn't he?" She said as she glanced at Father Cornello.

"Well, he's an amazing actor, I'll give him that," Ed glared up at the stage. "Those aren't miracles!" I rolled my eyes. "He's swindling you," I sang.

"Guys!" Al protested, "We don't know that! We just know that he's using alchemy, and he's ignoring the laws!" Rose looked at Al, annoyed. "What laws?" She asked, frowning. Ed jumped off his suitcase and stepped forward, not taking his eyes off the Gathering. "This isn't witchcraft, it's a science," he snapped. I nodded. "You don't make things out of thin air," I agreed. "In chemistry, everything has to be fair, or balanced. So does alchemy."

Rose looked around, confused. "It's an equation, Rose," Al said, bending down. "Your output has to have the equivalent mass as your input." Ed nodded. "It's our founding principal, to obtain, something of equal value must be lost." He narrowed his eyes, "But that Holy idiot's completely ignoring the law!" Rose glared. "Because he's working miracles!" She defended.

I watched the Gathering with narrowed eyes, ignoring the Brothers' and Rose's conversation. "Somethings not right..." I murmured.

A little girl sadly walked up the stairs to the stage with a little dead bird in her hands. Father held his hands over the creature, and there was a flash of red light. The bird stood up and flew away. It's eyes were blood-red.

That fact stood out to me. Birds didn't have red eyes. It was like... I gasped. "He's got a Stone..." I whispered. "Guys, I need to check something out. We'll meet up later!" I shouted, running off.


"State Alchemists, brutal enforces! I had a feeling one of you would show up one day," Cornello crowed. I stumbled into the room, out of breath. "Katzumi! What are you-" I cut him off. "The ring! It's a stone, Ed!" I shouted. He grinned. "I knew it. Alchemy without a transmutation circle. Completely ignoring the principal of equivalent exchange! It could only mean one thing!" Father smirked.

"Yes, the Mythical Gem, the Philosopher's Stone," he held up his hand, and the ring flashed as it caught the light. "That's it, Al, it's ours," Ed grinned maliciously.

"Cough it up, Cornello!" I shouted. "That ring belongs to us now, and if you hand it over peacefully, we won't tell the people here what you've been doing!" Cornello smirked, his face in shadow. "What's that, restoring their town to peace and prosperity? Do you know what would happen if my miraculous wonders suddenly stopped, nobody wants that," he said casually. Ed growled. "Do they, Rose?" Cornello gave the pink-haired girl a side-long glance, grinning.

Rose stared at us with wide eyes, not sure who to believe. "Don't listen to him, Rose, he's just a con-man!" Ed shouted up at them. "Nonsense, would a con-man restore life to a dying town? When I arrived, these people were in strife and I brought peace. They came to me with parched throats and I created water. I built buildings for them, and even gave them money," he grinned. "Why does the military want to destroy all this?" Ed glared. "I don't care what the military wants!" He shouted, ignoring the priceless look of Cornello's face. "I'm here for me."

"I need that stone! We need it to make something right again!" Rose gasped. "So that's it! This is all about you, and what you want! What about us?! You don't care!" She hissed. "Rose, we're only trying to-" Ed cut his brother off. "It's no use," he growled. Rose sniffled, and bowed her head.

"Enough!" Cornello commanded. "There is no point in arguing. If you want the Philosopher's Stone, you'll have to take it from me!" There was a flash of light, and then the ground was made of sand. Al started sinking as he was pushed away from us. "Brother!" He shouted, struggling to remain on the surface.

"Al!" I shouted, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. He gave me thanks and then rushed over to his brother, who was shouting insults at Father Cornello. "You can't draw transmutation circles in soft sand!" Cornello crowed. "Let me introduce you to one of my creations. You, of all people, will be able to appreciate this. A chimera!"

My breath caught. "No..." I whispered, collapsing. "Katzumi! Are you okay?" Al asked, panicking. "You self-centered, evil baka!" I shouted, launching myself off the ground and charging at Cornello.

I leaped up, shifting in the air as I did so. When I landed, I was standing next to Cornello in the shape of a tiger. Roaring, I charged in anger. "You hurt them! You merged them together, that hurts! Do you know how much pain that poor creature is in?!" I raged. My voice sounded like a bunch of tiny voices jumbled together in the form I was in. "Hurts, hurts, hurts!" I shouted, my words now jumbling together so I was shouting more like a little kid who couldn't speak correctly. I knocked Cornello over before collapsing in pain.

Rose backed up slowly as I shifted back into myself. "Hurts..." I murmured. Rose ran over to me with wide eyes. "Katzumi! Are you okay?" She squeaked. That was the last thing I heard before my vision was shrouded by black.




I would have had this up sooner but like half of it was deleted and I didn't have a backup...


- Sandy signing out))

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