Chapter 6- Kaminari

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Chapter 6- Kaminari


"Uugh, why must Amestris be so well protected?!" I exclaimed as I slipped through Briggs. It was fairly easy getting around everyone, but that Armstrong lady was SCARY!!! [[A/N: I know this is a FMA fanfic and not an FMAB fanfic, but, thinking logically, she has to go through Briggs to get through to the rest of Amestris.]]

"Who's there?!" SPEAK OF THE DEVIL!

"Crap!" I whispered to myself, "I gotta hide!"

But just as I turned, I was greeted by the frightening lady myself.

"Going somewhere?" She smirked, grabbed my arm, and started walking, dragging me behind.


"You were born here, separated from your two triplet sisters, adopted by Drachman royalty, and came back here to become a state alchemist and find your lost sisters...?!" Armstrong looked at me, "Do you honestly expect me to believe that?!"

"I sincerely hope so, seeing as my life basically depends on it...." I muttered. I was in a jail cell, my hands handcuffed and my feet were chained to a bed (which was chained to the concrete floor).

Armstrong waited a moment before saying another word, but answered my statement, "Fine. I'll trust you this one time. If I ever meet you again, though, I promise you won't get off the hook so easily." She quickly opened my cell door and unlocked my handcuffs and feet chains.

"Leave," She pointed to the direction of the door, and I quickly followed it, eventually exiting the fortress.


I stepped into Central City, which was packed full of people and LOTS of soldiers and alchemists. I headed towards the HQ, knowing the state alchemist tests were being held there. I was pretty confident- I mean, my brother taught me everything he knew about alchemy (plus, I did a little bit of self-teaching when my mother and father weren't looking -3-). I was pretty confident in myself -3-.

*Four Hours of Testing Later*

"KAMI SAVE ME," I groaned as I exited the building. That had to have been the hardest test I've ever had to take- which says a lot, seeing how my brother's Alchemical tests were some of the most complex quizzes in the history of alchemy. Jakob was a tough test-giver, but this written one beat them all. I just hoped I'd gotten a good enough grade to move on to the next round of testing.


*Mustang's POV (but in 3rd person X3)*

"What the heck is this?!" Mustang exclaimed. Hawkeye immediately entered the room, saluted, and walked over to his desk.

"What is it?" Riza asked, tilting her head slightly to see the documents.

"This girl... 'Kaminari', got a 99.9% on the first test." Mustang replied, his black eyes wide, astounded.

"Is that... Even possible?!" Hawkeye stared at Mustang.

"I don't know...... But it seems like it's a new record....." Mustang shook his head in amazement, "I wonder what the Chameleon and Fullmetal will think of her?"


*AAAAAAND Back to Kaminari*

So, apparently, I did well enough on the first test that I just went straight to the second. Hence the reason why I'm standing outside of the second examination room.

"Go on in," a soldier whispered in my ear while holding open the door. I nod and enter, a golden stool sitting in the center. It had three legs...?

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