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"That's so X."

"You're so X!"

That had become Lance's favourite joke comeback. He used it every day on anyone and everyone.

Lance's POV

"Whats the temperature in here?" Everyone kept asking Coran. The air conditioning was broken and it was certainly obvious.

"Im going to the pool." I stated. It had been fixed so it was actually possible to swim in now.

"I think Keith was headed there too." Pidge told me. "Try not to kill each other.

"Fiiiine." I sarcastically said.

I walked in and saw Keith sitting relaxed in the water.

"Looks like you've actually had a good idea for once. The water is nice."

"I'm going to ignore that comment about my intelligence." I said while getting in the water.

The two boys cooled off in the pool for about half an hour before getting out. Hunk had announced lunch over the speakers.

"It's so hot!" Keith complained in the elevator.

"You're so hot!" I quickly replied. I felt smart with his fast reflexes but quickly realized that Keith had started blushing and giving me a funny look. I thought back to what I had said and my eyes widened with his realization.

"Wait, I mean... Aaagh!" I panicked.

"Lance?" Keith asked. "What did you mean?"

"I- I don't know.." I stuttered.

"Lance, do you... like me?" Keith asked.

"Um, maybe..." I admitted.

"I... like you too..." Keith said.

I stared at Keith and blushed deeply. Keith stepped towards me and shyly inched his face towards mine, his nose barely touching mine.

"K... Keith?"

Keith pressed his lips into mine. I kissed back and closed my eyes. Keith started backing me up so I was pressed against the wall. Hi took my hands in his own and put them against the wall, next to my head. Keith pulled away after a minute.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that." Keith sighs.

The elevator dings and Keith lets me go while the doors open. The two silently walk towards the dining room for lunch.

"How was the pool?" Allura asks me and Keith.

"Good." Keith said, not keeping his eyes off of his food.

"Uh, yeah. Good." I say.

We all continue our meal without talking much, all of us too focused on the food.

I'm relaxing in my room, thinking about earlier, when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in." I call in the general direction of the door.

Keith opens the door and steps into the room.

"Hey." He says.


"Can we talk?"


"About... The elevator..."

"Oh.. yeah.."

"I just want to start off by saying... I really do like you..."

"I like you too.."

"Okay.." Keith sighs out of relief. "Can we... Do it again?"

I nod my head and Keith starts to step towards me. He grabs the collar of my shirt and pulls me into another kiss.

"I love you." Keith tells me.

"Love you too." I smirk happily at the shorter boy.

Klance//That Feeling Wasn't Rivalry (Keith X Lance)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora