(4) [11:38AM- Pidge, Shiro, Lance, Keith]

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Shiro: Guys...

Shiro: Keith has a problem...

Shiro: You know how some guys have a stash of naughty magazines or something?


Shiro: No Lance, don't be disgusting.

Shiro: He has something similar... But to his interests... He has, like, 20 knife collectors magazines...

Lance: ...

[Keith has joined the chatroom]

Keith: Shiro really?

Keith: It's just knifes;;

Pidge: Omg so emo..

Keith: Shut it.

Keith: What were you doing in my room anyway?

Shiro: Remember when I asked for a pair of headphones to borrow and you said "They're somewhere in my room. If you want them go look."

Keith: Oh yeah..

Lance: Lol.

Keith: What's funny?

Lance: Next thing you need is a shrine to all the emo bands like MCR, P!atD and Fallout Boy or something.

Keith: I'm not emo and those are all stereotypically emo bands but how do you know them anyway?

Lance: Oh.. Um..

Lance: Story time.

Lance: One day I was walking by your room..

Lance: And I heard someone singing and it was really nice...

Lance: So I sat in the hallway and kept listening. I still hadn't realized that the singing was coming from your room...

Lance: And after the singing ended I got the song stuck in my head..

Lance: And I was singing it while hanging out with Hunk later.

Lance: And he was like "Why are you singing Keith's music?" And that finally made me realize that I heard Keith singing...

Lance: So later I google the lyrics and I found those bands through YouTube video suggestions.

Keith: I'm gonna kill you, Lance...

Lance: Why??

Keith: Because you not only heard me singing but stopped outside the door and listened??!!

Lance: Well.. It was nice and I wanted to hear more so I stayed and listened..

Keith: Um.. Thanks..?.

Pidge: This is kind of a repeat of yesterday.

Hunk: Yep.

Shiro: Please stop fighting guys.

Keith: Fine.

Lance: Keith? Stepping down from a fight?

Keith: Shut up, Lance.

Lance: Ok, ok.

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