(1) [5:37PM- Pidge, Coran, Allura, Hunk, Keith, Shiro, Lance]

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Lance: Heyy everyone!

Pidge: Hi.

Coran: Hello paladins!

Hunk: Hi.

Allura: Hello.

Shiro: Hi.

Keith : Hi.

Pidge: How does everyone like the chatroom I made?

Lance: It's awesome!

Shiro: I agree with Lance. You did a good job on it.

Hunk: Yup!

Coran: Magnificent!

Pidge: Any improvements?

Lance: You could add a feature that lets two people message only each other?

Hunk: Good idea, Lance.

Pidge: On it.

Lance: Of course it's a good idea, I thought of it!

Keith: Are you kidding?

Lance: What? I'm better at decision making than you, Mr. ActsOnImpulseConstantly.

Keith: Explain why'd I'm the leader and you're not?

Lance: Um.

Lance: Stop talking back or..

Keith: You will?

Lance: I will.

Coran: Girls, girls, stop fighting! You're both pretty!

Keith: ( T_T)

Lance: I'm prettier.

Keith: My god.

Lance: God is speaking. What do you need?

Keith: I need Lance McLAME to shut his quiznak!

Lance: ( ̄ー ̄ )

Hunk: Seriously guys, stop it.

Allura: Of course this chatroom WON'T be used for your useless bickering all the time?

Pidge: Ok, I added the private messaging.

Pidge: Really guys? Fighting already?

Lance: What? Would you rather I flirt with him?

Keith: ಠ_ಠ...

Lance: Wait!

Lance: That came out wrong!

Keith: No shit...

Lance: I meant..

Lance: Like..

Lance: I don't know how to say it!?

Hunk: You have a crush on Keith?

Lance: No that's not what I was trying to say!

Lance: I was just being.. um..

Coran: Sassy?

Lance: Sure! Fine! That word!

Hunk: Ok then..

Pidge: Anyway, like I said earlier before Lance was accidentally gay, I added private messaging.

Lance: Excuse you, I'm Bi!

Pidge: I stand corrected.

Hunk: Guys, it's time to eat now!

Klance//That Feeling Wasn't Rivalry (Keith X Lance)Where stories live. Discover now