(14) I.. Like.. You..

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Lance's stomach lurched with every step towards Keith's room.

He reached the door and gently knocked.

"Come in." He heard Keith say from inside.

He stepped through the door and saw Keith at his computer desk, his chair turned around to face Lance.

"I have something I need to tell you.." Lance felt his stomach drop as he gulped, preparing to deliver the next sentence. "I think I like you.."!

Keith sat there silent for a moment before getting off his chair and walking towards Lance, stopping a little less than a foot away from him.

"I like you too." Keith said, more confidently than Lance had.

"Stop messing with me, I know you don't."

"Why would I lie about something like that? Sure, we fight sometimes but I wouldn't ever mess with your feelings."

"But-" Lance was cut off as he felt Keith grab his jacket and meet their lips. Keith started guiding him to the bed, careful not to break the kiss, and got on top of Lance, holding Lance's hands firmly beside his head.

Keith used his tongue to part Lance's lips and started to battle with Lance for dominance. Lance moaned softly as Keith took over and explored every inch.

Keith gently pulled the two's faces apart and they stared at each other's eyes  above their blushing cheeks.

Keith pushed off of Lance in surprise at what just happened, "S- sorry.. I don't know if you wanted that.."

"No it's ok. It was.. nice..?" Lance leaned his elbows on his knees, looking  at Keith.

"O- ok.. So.. I guess we're more than friends then?.."

This made Lance blush. "Y- yeah I guess.."

"Well." Keith placed a kiss on Lance's hot cheek and stood up, hesding towards the door. "I'm going to go eat now. Bye."

"B- bye.." Lance's voice slightly quivered feeling his heart pounding in his chest.

Lance waited a few minutes for his heart to calm down before heading to his room to go listen to music.

Klance//That Feeling Wasn't Rivalry (Keith X Lance)Where stories live. Discover now