(10) Training

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     "Alright. Everyone's here." Shiro stated as Lance showed up fashionably late.

"Lance, maybe actually try to show up on time?" Keith said.

"Fine.." Lance said back and the five headed to the training room.


"WHAT?! I'm making sure he's not missing anything obvious! And I'm NOT staring at his ass!" Keith yelled back.

Lance, still turned away from everyone else, blushed hearing the two mentioning his ass.. He did his squats though so he wasn't surprised that someone noticed it.. But Keith??

Lost in his thought, Lance got hit and fell through the hole in the floor.

Lance started walking back to his room, feeling upset at being defeated so easily and he wanted to think a bit. He had been feeling... feelings.. around Keith lately and they had been really confusing him.

Reaching his room he walks in and sits on his bed. He decided to do what any teenager would do and googled 'Do I like him?' and started taking online quizzes.

1. Have you ever thought about kissing him?

A) Yes, all the time.

B) Once or twice.

C) No.

Lance chose B.

2. Do you get butterflies in your stomach around him, seemingly for no reason?

A) Yes.

B) Depends on what's happening.

C) No.

He chose A, it happened most when Keith responded nicely to him, particularly in the chat.

3. Sexuality?

A) Straight.

B) Gay.

C) Bisexual.

D) Other (includes liking guys).

E) Other (does not include liking guys).

F) Asexual.

This one was easy, C.

4. Do you think you like him?

A) Definitely.

B) I think so.

C) Unsure.

D) Probably not.

E) No.

This one was kinda stupid. Why do all the quizzes ask the question that you originally asked? Lance, though unsure of his answer, chose B.

Your result is: Yes.

You aren't madly in love but there is definitely some noticeable feelings there. Try slowly pushing your relationship to the romantic side snd if you want, get a friend to help you.

Lance blushed out of embarrassment at the thought of asking a friend for help. Keith was his rival.. the one everyone thought he hated..

"Fuck it.." Lance sighed, deciding to ask Hunk about it later, starting to play the same song he had heard Keith singing..

Klance//That Feeling Wasn't Rivalry (Keith X Lance)Where stories live. Discover now