Chapter 29

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it was time to go to emilio's house, to meet his family. I was so embarrassed, nervous,happy,sad. I was sad bc why if they don't like me. What if they want a Spanish girl instead of a American one? I was just so stressed out and then Emilio interrupted my thoughts.
Emilio: babe, it's time to go.
Me:oh, yes let's go ( so stressed)
Emilio: ( he realized that I was so stressed) are u ok?
Me: yeah I'm fine. I'm completely fine. Don't worry.
Emilio: alright then, let's take a taxi.
Me: yeah sure.
We took a taxi and the house wasnt that far like 17miles away.
The taxi stopped in a beautiful white and pink  building.
Me: so Wich floor is yours?
Emilio: 3rd floor.
Me: wow this is so clean and nice.
Emilio: when we first got here it was a disaster.
Me: oh really, for how many years did u live here?
Emilio: 10years.
Me: wow, u basically grew up here.
Emilio:yeah, i this is the apartment.
He knocked and emilio's mom opened the door.
Emilio: Hola mama
Me: hey nice to meet you mrs.martinez.
Emilio's mother: hey (barely speaking English) nice to meet you.
We entered the apartment it was very nice.
I saw Rebecca aka emilio's sister.
Rebecca: nice to meet you😘.
Me: nice to meet you too 😘.
We sat in the couch it was awkward no one was talking.
Emilio: mama, this is my girlfriend (in Spanish)
Emilio's mother:oh really thats good where is she from ( in Spain)
Emilio: Ohio estados unidos.
I just heard the word Ohio and I knew that she was asking where am I from.
Rebecca: so Eliza are u and Emilio dating?
Me: yeah, we are. How are you? How's school?
Rebecca: good,I actually live in California but I came here to visit my family. I study there.
Me: wow that's great. Keep on studying.
Rebecca:yeah, I do my best 😂
Emilio: lets go show you my cat. *He grabbed my hand*
We went to the balcony. He had 1cute cat.
Me: omg this is so cute. What's his name?
Me: that is so cute. Ohh, Is this the cat that Chad said has more followers than me ?
Emilio: hahaha yes.
Then we spent the rest of the day there we had fun with emilio's mom and sister. He has also a step dad. Then we went back to the apartment.
Me: so tired.
Emilio: did you like my mom?
Me: yes I did. She's so sweet and kind.
Emilio: I'm so glad *hug*

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