Chapter 36

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I saw Tyler. Omg I was shook. I didn't know how to react.
Tyler: *he came close to me and kissed me*  hey bae.
Me: *I pushed him back *wtf are y doing we are over.
Tyler: *whispered in my ear* you want that job or not?
Me: so ur the fucking boss?
Tyler: yeah I am babe.😇
Me: no absolutely not I will never work with you and for you.
Tyler: *whispered In my ear again* ur dad sells drugs.
Me: * I was shook I didn't know how to react or something but I  don't know.maybe he does but I don't think so he's lying 😠* haha good joke bud.😒
Tyler: if that was a joke😏
Me: shtfu why are u even here.
Tyler: easy babe easy I just want to warn you that I have all the proof and everything about ur dad selling drugs.
Me: *I walked away and he grabbed my arm* 😑 eyy wtf do u want from me?
Tyler: I want you. Let's be back together.😎
Me:😂😂never in a million years.i have a boyfriend tho.
Tyler: ohh u moved on pretty fast.well, u don't want ur sweet dad to end up in the jail.
Me: ur lying.
Tyler: I have proofs.
Me: show me then😉
Tyler' I'll show you proof tomorrow.
Me: yeah yeah right u don't have any ik.
Tyler: he got close to me and said ur job got approved. Tomorrow I will give u proof. Don't tell anyone or else I'll tell everyone.
Me: right 😂😉 just get out of my way.
I was confused, sad and nervous. Confused because what the fuck just happened I don't know but why would he lie.maybe he wants me? Why does he need me tho  he can get a lot of cuter girls. Sad because Im not with the love of my life anymore. And nervous because let's be honest he is a beast. He is dangerous AF he can hurt me and idk he can do anything. I just left the cafeteria and went back to my house. I was going home when I stepped on......

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