Reader Insert Complaints: That was fast

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This complaint is about one of the most annoying and common things in a reader insert fic: instant romance.

Do half the people writing those realize you can't have two characters fall deeply in love after a day of meeting each other?

Like, say Dio meets the reader, the have one pleasant encounter and then boom. Next day they're making out and banging each other, then married a week later.

First of all, Dio wouldn't do that genuinely out of love and only if he was trying to use them for something. In my opinion, Dio would have to spend a lot of time with the reader in order for him to actually develop real feelings of love for them.

That is why I personally believe pacing is important with these. Unless your story starts with the two already in a relationship, don't rush them into a romance without having the two grow close enough to care for each other.

This can be difficult with some characters (some examples imo would be Dio, The Pillar men, Rohan, etc.)
So you really have to plan out and think about how your story will go for them

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