Pedophilia and Incest

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I'll start this by saying that JonaDio or any other Dio/Joestar ship is incest. Dio was adopted into the family so he's part of it.
"But he's not blood related!" Would you date your adoptive sibling? Would your parents be ok with it? Would the *law be ok with it?
The answer is no. Stop letting other people, especially if youre a minor, tell you that is ok. It is not. It's not "cute" or "forbidden love." It's incest, it's gross, it's abusive.
There's far too many diojona and diojota fics/art in this fandom. Just like there's far too many Jotaro/Josuke, or Jotaro/Jolyne.
Did you know there's a fic out there with Jotaro taking advantage of a 10 year old Jolyne :) Doesn't that make your blood boil? Make you feel sick to your stomache?

If it does, then so should aging up characters who are minors just so creepy adults can write/draw them in sexual situations! And what's really sad, alot of them don't even see how creepy and gross that is.

They're basically saying "Well, I can't legally fuck this 15 year old, so let me pretend theyre older so its ok :)))"

That's a pedophile. Even if they don't realize it. That's basically what they are. Most of these people though, were teenagers who were unknowingly groomed to think like this too. Either by a friend (who was probably groomed as well) or an actual pedophile. And both are just as guilty for letting this "aging up minors is ok" mentality.

It's more prominent with male characters like Josuke and Giorno that you'll see this shit with too. People will fight tooth and nail to make sure people don't sexualize young girls like Yukako and Trish, yet the same people turn around and do it to young boys.
Unfortunately, it's mostly grown women that do this too.

If you write that kind of stuff, then you're providing these creeps with content. You are grooming these 12-17 year olds into thinking that it's ok. That it's normal. It's not.

By normalizing this stuff, you get  teenaged girls dating these 20-25 year old men. You get teenaged boys having sex with women twice their age and thinking they got "lucky" and not that a pedophile just took advantage of them.

It's dangerous. It's toxic
This kind of content can and will hurt people for years into their lives. Even if the content is just fiction. By putting this gross shit in fiction, it gets normalized. Kida start wanting to experience things they've read/watched/seen in media for themselves.

Do not make this type of content. Do not give pedophiles more content and influence over minors. If you know it's gross and wrong, then dont make it.
Please, just stop harming kids, even if it wasn't your intention. Just stop.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2018 ⏰

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