Chapter 4 - The beginning of everything.

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"CC put me down!" I hissed through clenched teeth. CC had me upside down over his shoulder and was running around all over the living room with me flailing helplessly behind him.

"NEVER!!" CC shouted and continued running like a maniac.

"CC im going to be sick," I screamed and thumped my fists on his back. He skidded to a haul and dropped me. I stood up, straightened my T-shirt and sighed out. I wasnt really going to be sick, it was just a good way of getting CC to put me down.

"Now if you dont mind im going to go get changed...I'm staying here tonight, just letting yous know!" I smiled and walked out the room grabbing my small bag of clothing as i went. When i got upstairs i went into a random room and started stripping down to get changed. I replaced my underwear with a new set, and shoved on my banana jammies that Carra had genourously let me borrow on such short notice.

When i was done my clothes i ran around the room looking for a brush. When i found one i ran upto the large mirror, placed beside the window overlooking the front garden, and brushed all the knots out. I skipped down stairs and plonked myself on the couch next to Andy. I smiled at him and focused on the floor.

"Hey Sally...Listen i'm sorry for what i said-" Andy tried to appologise.

"Shut-up," I smiled and kissed his cheek, "We dont have much history together so lets just start a fresh ok? Your still my brother, and i respect what you did now that its had time to sink it, but i was confused and scared. What you said still had an effect on me, but im ok now...Im sorry for breaking your wall by the way,"

Andy didnt say anything after my big speach, nobody did. But Andy pulled me into a big hug. This was the brother-sister relationship you see on TV now-a-days. Im glad he's my brother. 

"So...Do you have a boyfriend?" Jake piped up all of a sudden.

"What? Why?" I asked slightly awkwardly as i had just been put on the spot.

"Oh right sorry, i just want to find out more about you," Jake chuckled uneasily.

"Haha its ok, now i know what we are doing, er, no i dont," I smiled.

"Oh ok...What do you want to be? You know, now that you aint in school anymore," Jinxx asked.

"Umm...I always wanted to be a singer, but i dont have a band, and i always wanted to be an original singer, so i do alot of art work. You know, draw, sell, the whole shabbang!" I grinned.

"Awesome! Do you have your own place?" Ashley asked.

"Nah i still live with my parents..I mean 'our' parents," I smiled at Andy, "Sorry it will take a bit of getting used to but i'll get there,"

"Well you can stay with us!" CC grinned from the other end of the living room.

"Uh no, no, its fine, i was planning on buying an apartment soon anyway," 

"We insist! This will be great for Andy, and you seem nice...Please?" Ashley said giving me those big hazel eyes i stared at previously that evening.

"Sure, i guess...thanks!" I grinned.

"No problem! Though mum might kill me when you go back to get your stuff," Andy said.

"I guess but im 19 in a few weeks, she cant stop me!" I laughed and stood up, "Ok im getting bored what do yous want to do?" 

"Well usually we just chill out, talk about girls and stuff but we cant now that you're here...So we can go swimming?" Ashley suggeststed.

"You have a pool?" I smiled widley.

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