Chapter 20 - You look like sex..?!

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A/N I'm so sorry for the really long wait! D:   I think this will be more of a filler chapter, like the other updates today will be..I'm going back to school tomorrow, so that should be fun..NOT. I can't wait to see my friends and shizz but, I can't be freaking arsed with the 'bullies'...

~Sally's POV~

When I woke up in the morning, I lifted an arm up and I literally peeled the blanket from my sweaty body. I was in desperate need of a shower, now!

I sat up and quickly re-thought about what I was doing; My back stung like a bitch! I had a major back ache, most likely because of everything that happened the night before.

I slowly, one leg then the other, got out of bed, and stood up straight. I put both hands on my back and arched it forward, making my abdomen curve out slightly, and sucessfully cracked it. It felt so relieving, the muscles were all tense and twisted. 

Padding my way forward, I opened the bathroom door and stepped through the treshold. As soon as I shut the door behind me I let out a low groan of pain which I had been keeping in since the moment I got up. My core was aching too, I had seriously stretched it. 

Well, Ashley did. I'm blaming him. But I don't regret anything!

Sure, the night was pleasureable, but my core was throbbing, my back was aching, and my breasts were swollen. But I guess it was worth it though.

Standing in front of the mirror, I examened my naked body slightly, before turning the tap on and cupping my hands underneath it, splashing water on my face to wake me up fully.

Boy, did it work!

I yelped in surprise, shoved some clothes on, nothing fancy just a T-shirt that belonged to Ashley, so it covered everything it should, and stopped just before my knees...To say I felt exposed was an understatment.

Waddling into the living room, exiting the room quietly so I didn't wake Ashley up in the process, I stood by the sink in the Kitchen and looked through to the living room.

There sat Jinxx, Jake and CC. They all stared at me knowingly and started whispering to themselves.

"What are you's whispering about?" I asked them as I walked closer.

"Nothing," CC pleaded innocent with his little innocent face. 

"I beg to differ. Tell me what you's were talking about!" I growned in frustration.

"Nope," Jake smiled a crooked smile and popped the 'p' just to piss me off. And it worked,

"Listen dudes, don't mess with me today. I'm sleep deprived, on cloud nine from happiness, and my hormones have taken a U turn; They were calm and collected, now I just want to hump Ashley raw," I told them, not bothering to spare them the gross details as loos of disgust appeard on their faces.

"Is that so?" I turned around to see Ashley rested his body on the doorframe, with his arms crossed and a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Damn right, I'd take you right here if it wasn't for the fact that these innocent eyes are around about us," I stated in a matter of fact tone.

"Mhh, I like the sound of that," He said seductivley and walked towards me in large strides. I could feel my core heating up at the intensety of my memories from yesterday as they flooded back into the front of my mind.

"Guys, no, ew," CC grimaced as he hid behind his hands, but parted two fingers to peek out.

"That stratedy looks very effective," I told him sarcastically, making us all laugh.

"You seem...Annoyed..? Is it our presence? Is it too overwhelming to be surrounded by awesomness?" CC suggested.

"Ah yes, that must be It, It couldn't possibly be perhaps that I'm surrounded my insensitive men, that don't care that I'm going to rip their heads of in a matter of seconds if they don't tell me what the hell they were whispering about and make me some god damn breakfast!" I snapped playfully, but It did have some truth behind it; I wanted the truth and I wanted some breakfast.

"Yes your Highess," Jake muttered before jogging to the kitchen and pulling out a pancake mix.

I nodded in approval to his move, and glared at Jinxx and CC,

"So, Jeremey, care to tell me what you's were whispering about?" 

He scowled at me, "Its Jinxx. And we were just saying..." He pauses to scracth the back of his neck, "You look..And smell..Like sex,"

I stood there frozen.

"Damn, why didn't yous tell me before! Sure, that Is an insult to all women alike, but with Andy being in the house still, he can't see me like this! He'll murder me and Ash! I wan't to live to my menapause, so I can laugh at everyone else who still has that god damned monthly 'gift'," I growled, more to myself at the end.

"Snappy today are we? You just love burning scary pictures into our minds, don't you?" CC teased but ushered me out the room, "Right, go get showered and changed, and we'll sort out breakfast. I wouldn't hurry, because lets face it, by the time you get out, we most likely still won't be finished breakfast," 

I chuckled and nodded before jogging back to our room. Stripping off my top in mid jog, I flung it behind me still on the move, and rushed into the shower. Turning the water on whilst I was currenlty still standing in the bath, probably wasn't the greatest Idea, considering the water comes on freezing until it reaches temperature..

The sudden rush of cold water tha hid my hot, sweaty skin was soothing but suddenly made my core throb in need. Weird..I've had cold showers before, and they never affected me like this..Damn..

Sex is a wonderful thing, which I found out yesterday, but when it stops you from your normal cold shower morning routine to wake up properly - Shit just got real.

Ashley slipped into the shower with me a few moments later, and I didn't notice until he bent down and brushed my legs with his hand and brought them up at the back of my calves up to the back of my thigh, over my bottom, and rested at my waist. 

I shived at his touch but turned around and pressed myself up against him either way. We just stood in the now warm shower, letting the watter massage our bodies as we stood together, just enjoying being in each others embrace.

Ash soon decided to actually having a wash, which to say the least, was pretty strange for me, considering I always thought he'd go for broke and take what we can get.

I walked my pointer and middle fingers up his chest and pulled his chin towards me for a quick kiss, "How about, we get a little dirty-" I paused to kiss him lightly again, "-And then we can have a wash..Sound good? We can clear the evidence whilst we still can..Lets take advantage of this situation..." I whispered the last bit.

His eyes were now swimming with lust and hunger so I did what my instincts were telling me to and took my own advice; I took the open oppurtunity and took advantage of the situation, starting off my getting on my knees..

A/N Would you's like to me add the sex scene into the next chapter, or should I skip the sex scene and just get on with the story? Or would you's like it? Tell me please!

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