Chapter 11 - Fresh start.

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~Andy's POV~

We all stayed up with Sally, trying to comfort her and tell her that things would be ok. She had made a stupid choice, but its easily fixed..She's just having a hard time seeing that..

The cries stopped after afew hours or so, and she had finally fallen asleep. I felt so sorry for her...Everything was conusing her..

She loved Ash. She had done drugs. She wants to move out. She thinks their breakup was her fault.

I need to help her..She will be ok...She will be ok...She will be-

"Dude?" Jake snapped me out my thoughts.

"Sorry what?" I asked.

"We asked you where you want Sally to sleep tonight?" Jake repeated.

"Oh right, um im not sure why?" 

"Well Ash doesnt know if she is still 'allowed' to be in his room," Jake said making air quotations.

"Of course she still is! Im not her mum, she's 20 this week..Wich by the way, thats tomorrow isnt it..Oh god.." I said,

"Ok thats fine, and yeah what should we do? She might not be up to anything?" 

I shrugged and went over to the couch to pick up Sally, and took her upstairs to Ash's room.

When we got to the door, it was shut and i couldnt open it, so i tapped the door with my foot, like a light knocking noise.

"Come in.." Ash said tiredly from inside.

"Kinda cant, can you open the door please?" I asked.

"Sure..." Then i heard bed spring and heavy feet come to the door. When it opened he looked shocked and took Sally from me. He smiled weakly and placed her softly on the bed, tucking her in and kissing her cheek. I sighed out, smiled, said goonight and went to my room.

From my room i could hear CC and Jinxx talking in Jinxx's room...

"He's acting weird about her...Do you think...Do you think maybe he likes her?!" CC said.

"Im not sure..Maybe he feels sorry for her? I knew he liked her when they first met but he had Lauren and he wouldnt give her up so i wouldnt be surprised if he did like her.." Jinxx muttered.

 I decided i would text Ash instead of going through to his room.. (M - Me +  A - Ash)

M: Hey dude, you ok?

A: Yeah im just..uhh...

M: Just what?


M: About...?

A: Sally..Dont hate me  !!!

M: Lol i wont hate you, do you like her??


M: Come through here so we can talk properly.

A: Cant, Sally's curled up at my back. :3<3

M: dude, you really like her..

A: I guess..But i dont know if im feeling sorry for myself or not..I wont use her,!!

M: Well.. atleast tell her how you feel and let HER decide..its her birthday tomorrow too..

A: Yeah ok...right, night ;)

M: Night:)

Oooo he really likes her :)!

So i texted Jinxx..

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