7. Respects

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The smell of cooking meat wafted into the room the next morning, pulling me out of my sleep and filling my stomach with howls. I practically leapt out of bed and scrambled to pull a pair of pants on, finding that I was one of the last ones to join the assortment at the table. Marshall handed me a plate and I didn't even look at the meal for a full minute before I dug in.

"Someone's hungry," Nolan teased, and I stomped on his foot underneath the table.

"I've got Osiris' appetite, what do you expect?" I quipped after I'd swallowed a mouthful of ham. "Oh my dear God Marshall, this is amazing."

"I do my best," he grinned across the table, his stubble outlining the cheekiness of his attitude.

"So, what's our next step?" Margo asked, having already scarfed down the majority of her breakfast. She must have been the first one up.

"Well," I wiped my mouth with a napkin before continuing, "I think the way we go is west."

"Why west?" Crowe asked, curious.

"Not only is there about three facilities in California alone, but Medusa and Devorah are out there, and we have a possible safe house with them." I explained, leaving my ulterior motive to mine and Aeric's knowledge. He glanced up at me and the moment our eyes locked we looked away, understanding exactly what the other wanted. Noelle seemed to grow suspicious instantly.

"I think that's smart," Nolan added, "we can meet back up with the girls and get backup for the facilities. Not to mention those three are some of the key points in the downfall."

"What do you mean?" Aeric eyed him inquisitively.

"The facility in Sacramento has approximately three thousand subjects inside, it's also pretty heavily guarded right now. If that one goes down, we get a little more media attention, and a little more sway over the way this war goes."

"He's got a point." Marshall agreed, leaning back in his chair. "For today though, I think we should head up to the remains of ground zero. Get a lay of the land after we demolished it."

"I'd like that," I smiled a little, pushing away from my place at the table, "I'll go make sure everything's ready in the truck and we'll head out once we're done eating."

"Deal." Marshall snickered and I slapped his chest as I walked by, causing him to tip back in his chair and hit the ground. The table burst into laughter as he cussed me out and I could only turn back to look at him with a wink and a grin while I slid the keycard through the scanner.

I arose to the forest floor, stepping out and taking a moment to take in my surroundings. Birds chirped above my head and I smiled even more, glad to see the wildlife was almost untouched. I trotted around to the back of the truck, climbing inside and lifting the bench lid: ammunition, handguns, smoke bombs and gas masks were all arranged neatly, and I shut the lid with a nod. The other side was full of rifles, blades, canned food and blankets. Everything here was for a quick getaway if we needed it, and a good defensive strategy when we didn't.

My feet touched down on the dirt when I hopped out and I took a moment to stretch and relax as I walked back. This place...really did feel like home. I hadn't been able to say that for a very long time, but the memories and the time spent here just bring it all back to me. Everything smelled like warm rain and moss, not a hint of blood or steel or gunpowder. I was starting to change my eighteen year old mind; maybe I'd like to live in the deep wilderness instead of the coast, be free in the trees and surrounded by seclusion. It was a nice thought.

"Everyone ready?"

The lift touched down and I put my hand on my hip as I waited. Margo was pulling on her coat while everyone else was tying their shoes, and I was joined by Nolan and Noelle as we waited. Margo was still wearing Sergei's coat; it had grown to fit her personality wondrously. I hated to admit it but she'd grown a little cold to everyone; I couldn't blame her though, she'd lost the first person to make her feel wanted and loved, and I'd known her pain. I just hoped she could have coped a little better, other than shutting everyone out.

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