19. Tomorrow

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Everyone was tired but determined when we got back to the marketplace. Marshall had just gotten out to start the truck when he spotted us, a big smile on his face when he saw the ones on ours. Luckily, it seemed like the news of our adventure today hadn't quite reached his ears.

"Hey guys, ready to head over?" He asked, and we all nodded.

"Aye, I'm going t' go in and change first though." Margo said before leaving the group, whispering the words to get in while I clamored into the back of the truck to take a moment to relax.

The rest of the group began filtering in eventually; Nolan took a seat next to me, and Osiris took residence on my other side. Noelle and Aeric dropped down next to us, both of them seemingly more excited than the rest of the group. There was a small smirk on my face as I watched them, and finally Margo joined us, now clothed in jeans and a crop top. The truck began to move and we all sat back for the ride, talking about the day and how much everyone was starting to love it here.

I felt odd, really. To be completely honest, things just didn't sit right with me. I was sitting in a truck full of subjects and I was the human, suddenly facing what I never thought I'd have to face again. My eyes drifted towards the floor as I remembered the apartments back in the mountains, how I'd wished I could've been like Nolan, human and free. I'd just accepted that I was never going to be normal again when all of this hit, and it absolutely tore me apart inside. I gripped Nolan's hand tightly in mine and hoped I wouldn't have to feel like this for much longer.

My eyes were trained on the holes in the canvas cover the entire way to the bad parts of the city. I saw the lights shining through while the sun finally began to dip over the horizon, leaving everything cast in the same fading orange from earlier. The heat was beginning to die down and I felt a little chilly, but I knew I wouldn't feel like that for long, because within minutes we were parking across the street from the club and hopping out into the road. Nolan helped me down and I latched onto him, feeling suddenly vulnerable. It made me uneasy but I had to swallow the bile in my throat and push on.

The club was surprisingly full, but not with dancers or patrons. There were subjects all sitting around in the chairs and conversing. It didn't surprise me at all to see humans in the mix as well, standing proudly with their beastly counterparts. My eyes even locked with Kelly's and the woman waved at me gladly. Devorah finally made herself apparent, hoisting herself up into the cage with a microphone. She was dressed in ratty jeans and a tank top today, showcasing her tattoos and her demanding stare. We walked right up to the front and took our seats, waiting to hear what she had to say.

"Alright everyone," she spoke into the mic, gathering their attention, "we have an hour until I have to open this place up, and everyone here has volunteered to help the cause. Now, we do have some guests with us today, so if Agnes would please come to the stand and speak, it would be much appreciated."

I got to my feet, taking her hand in mine and letting her lift me up onto the stage. It was strange having all of these eyes on me, but then again, I liked it. I was still in charge here and it didn't matter if I had my powers or not. They'd listen to me and I'd be here to listen to them.

"As you all know, there's a facility here in Sacramento that is one of the highest priorities to the PASCI corporation." I explained. "We came here initially because we were chased out of our bunker at the time, and it seemed like the best option. Now that we're here, we've seen the comradery amongst everyone in the city. There's no "who is right and who is wrong", there's only a group of people fighting for freedom and a group still trying to oppress those hidden within the building." I paused. "I also have a personal reason for coming here."

Everyone's eyes were on me, their full attention hooked on my speech like it was the last words they'd ever hear. I took a deep breath and tried to steady my hands, feeling an emotion deep inside me that stirred like a dormant flame. This was me, this was the Hellfire they wanted to see.

"Most of you know my story, I'm sure, but for those who don't, my name is Agnes Duvessa Byrnes. I grew up in the foster system, with four siblings and an older mother and father. My father died a few years prior to the events that led to my imprisonment, and I was left with a controlling mother and near-abusive siblings. Nolan Grey was one of my siblings, although not blood related, and we were close. The night of the fire I thought I'd lost everything," my eyes drifted down to the boy sitting below me. He was staring at me in rapture, his good eye shining with old memories and pain, but also, love, "I woke up weeks later in the facility that started this whole war. I met The Necromancer, and called him Necro for short. He and Nolan were one in the same. We escaped and formed a ragtag group of subjects, including two S Class and a former agent. They were my family and through these last two years, I've both gained and lost members, and I can tell you there has been nothing greater than the bond we all share. Not just my family; all of us, the ones who band together to fight these monsters who dare to call us the same."

There was a collective murmur through the audience, and I nodded, knowing my story was inspiring them. I could taste the electricity in the air, feel their excitement at the prospects of a fight.

"Recently though, the question came up about my real lineage; how I came to be and who my parents were. Seeing as I was in the foster system, we could only assume that my mother and father might be subjects, due to my documentation as having powers from a young age. With Aeric's help, we found out that my mother, the one who gave birth to me, lay beyond those walls." There were ooh's and ahh's of wonder that passed through the crowd. "Sadly, in the process of coming out here, I was captured. What I am about to tell you can not leave this room; and that is however strong I may have appeared to be in the past, I am but a shell now. The new CEO, a man by the name of Vayne, took my abilities from me and most likely intended on using me as a martyr, an example of what could happen if you didn't submit. It ended in the facility being destroyed by a supernova I'd created, followed by the arrival of my dearest friend, Osiris Mars. She had passed her Godlike strength onto me before her passing, as she's now physically died twice, and in the events of my capture she was able to regain her strength and return to us." I gripped the microphone tighter. "It is in my hopes that once we free the subjects in the facility and free my mother, she might have an answer as to how to get my power back. Until then, we need to plan and strategize how we can do this."

Voices erupted around the room, and where I expected condescending sneers and remarks, I instead was received with support and confidence. Immediately people began to discuss splitting into teams to try and take on the building from all angles, and the topic of the hole in the wall came up. A stealth team most likely consisting of myself and a few others would go in while this happened on the outside, retrieving the subjects and sending them running before we blew the place to smithereens. It was routine at this point and I was confident about our plan of attack.

"We need to move as quickly as possible," Osiris butted into the group, "I vote we go tomorrow night, take the day to gather your strengths and your weapons and strike."

"I agree, we have a small timeframe before PASCI starts scouring the city in search of us." I nodded, looking around the room. "Everyone, the attack will commence tomorrow at midnight! Group A will circle the perimeter, they'll be the ones good with shooting and will be in the least amount of danger, Group B will work on tearing down the walls and ripping apart the agents, you'll be the brute force and the tanks. Group C will work their way inside, consisting of about ten to twelve of us. We'll be carrying explosives that will be set to detonate remotely, and everyone will be assigned a task once inside. We meet here before we leave. Understand?"

A collective response echoed in the room, "Understood!"

"I think it's time we skedaddle," Marshall scratched at his chin as he checked the time, "we'll have everythin' set in order for tomorrow. Take it easy, okay girls?"

"We'll be making preparations of our own, but yeah, we'll try and relax a little." Devorah grinned. "Don't stay up too late and don't party too much."

"Will do."

We pushed through the crowd, disappearing out into the streets and beginning to pack into the truck. Everyone shuffled around in their seats, excitement and anxiety sparking in the air around us. It took every ounce of energy I had to not burst out of the truck and run for the facility myself, knowing I could damn well worm my way in there. Nolan gripped my hand though and distracted me, leaving me to ease myself into his grasp and feel his arms wrap around me. I began to fall asleep along the way home and it only dawned upon me now how exhausted I was. I'd leave the fighting for tomorrow.

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