31. Injured

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It was starting to get dark when we got to the Rendezvous club. The bouncer took one look at me and stepped aside, letting all of us through the doors without question. None of the lights were off and the usual patrons were now replaced with people in almost critical condition. They were all from the First Circle so I knew someone had to have made it here. Lily let out a cry and I saw her split off, running towards a hulking figure on the stage. Marshall had his arm in a sling and bandages around his neck, but when she called his name, he looked up instantly.

"Marshall!" Lily squealed as she leapt into his lap, his arms wrapping around her tightly. There was something in his eyes that moved me completely, a spark of recognition and disbelief all in one.

"I must have died and gone to heaven," he whispered as she pulled back, "'cause there's a little angel sittin' in my lap..."

"Guess again!" She grinned. "Ritter brought me back!"

"So...you're real?"

"I'm a demon through and through!" Lily giggled as Marshall squeezed her tightly. I walked over to them and he looked up at me, tears streaming down his face from the one eye that could produce them.

"She's back." He whispered and I smiled.

"I know." I chuckled somberly. "What happened Marshall? We found the bodies in the market."

"PASCI attacked while you were away, they fired on everyone. Those who could attack did and we evacuated while they were kept busy. There's maybe a hundred of us that made it out of there."

"Out of over five hundred?!" I gasped and he nodded solemnly.

"Who're the new kids?" He asked.

"We found them on the lake, apparently they've been looking for us." I smiled when Sable walked up to join us, holding a hand out towards Marshall. He gripped it tightly and smiled at her, warmth in his eyes. I hadn't noticed until now that she had scars on her face, none too disfiguring, but telltale of a battle with something much more powerful than her; three claw marks traced themselves around her features as if they too wanted to preserve her beauty. Emile followed closely after and saluted Marshall, honor shining in his eyes.

"Well I'm glad you found us, we need as much help as we can get."

Just then I heard a door open and Devorah walked out from the back room, followed closely by Seth. There was sadness in his eyes and I instantly knew something was off. Devorah's eyes lit up though and Lily rocketed off of the stage to be scooped up by the woman who smothered her with kisses.

"Lily, you little miracle! We missed you so much, how did you find your way home?!" Devorah questioned as Ritter stepped forward.

I found her in between this world and the next. He chuckled as he ran his hand over her hair.

"Did someone say Lily?" Medusa came around, adorned in a cute silvery dress and boots as she ran up to the girl. She clapped a hand over her mouth before taking her from Devorah's arms and hugging her tightly.

"I missed you guys." Lily hugged Medusa tightly as she buried her face in Medusa's neck.

"Seth, where's Osiris?"

Everyone looked to me and back to Seth while his shoulders drooped and he shook his head, "PASCI has her. They took her and Aeric both."

"No..." I felt my heart shudder in my chest as I thought of her, caged like an animal under tranquilizers and chains. My breath escaped my chest and I felt an arm wrap around me, looking over to see Sable there, her blue eyes strong. Something about them made me straighten up and nod, as if acknowledging the silent words passed between us.

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