Halloween Horrors △ Todoroki x Bakugou

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word count: 624


Halloween night, the best night of them all: a night full of horror, spooks, ghost, and ghouls. Bakugou loved Halloween, but trick-or-treating just wasn't the same anymore. He was old, way too old, 17 to be exact. With that in mind, he decided he'd stay in the dorms this year.

Surprisingly, he wasn't the only student to stay behind, a handful of other students also made the decision to retire in the dorms as well. Bakugou remembered vividly Kirishima asking to go trick-or-treating, but he had adamantly declined his offer.

True, he didn't have to buy a costume, he could've just sneakily taken his hero costume like Sero, Mina, Aoyama, and other students had done. But the idea of watching horror movies was much more pleasing.

He walked into the common room, his blanket and pillow dragging behind him, before spotting Todoroki sitting idly on the couch. "How come you didn't go trick-or-treating with Midoriya and those other dorks?" Bakugou questioned. "Didn't feel like it," Todoroki answered.

"I'm gonna be watching some scary movies then, join me if you want, that is if you can handle it," Bakugou suggested, throwing his blanket on the couch besides Todoroki, plopping his pillow on top. He snatched the remote from a nearby table then clicked the Netflix button. Boy was he glad that modern smart T.V.s had easy access to Netflix and Hulu.

All Might and Class 1-A had made an agreement that he would pay for their subscription as long as all of them had good grades and good behavior. Bakugou would never admit it, but he truly looked up to the #1 hero as a father figure in life.

He scrolled through the horror category for a few minutes, before finally settling on an american zombie movie. The first few minutes were always boring to him, so he left to the kitchen. Class 1-A always had a supply of popcorn on hand for their monthly movie session, they wouldn't care if he took one or two.

After he was done popping the bags, Bakugou walked back into the common room to find Todoroki's eyes glued to the screen and his body huddled under his blankets. "Scoot over," Bakugou demanded, "And share the blanket."

"This movie isn't all that scary," Todoroki spoke, as he scooted to the side, "We fought against that student with a zombie quirk already, so I may just be biased." Bakugou filled in the empty spot besides him. He placed the bowl of freshly popped popcorn in between them, before focusing on the movie.

"Oi, Todoroki. Is this your first time watching a scary movie?" Bakugou asked, stuffing a handful of popcorn into your mouth. "Was it really that obvious?" Todoroki responded, slightly surprised. "Yeah. A normal kid would scream at all that blood and gore," Bakugou pointed out.

"Well, at least I get to watch it with my boyfriend," Todoroki spoke, leaning his head on Bakugou's shoulder. Bakugou wrapped an arm around the half hot-half cold boy, "I'm glad I get to spend Halloween with my boyfriend too, I guess."

Hours later, Midoriya and the gang finally arrived home, bags of candies weighing down their arms. Iida almost yelled at the two sleeping, cuddling forms in the common room. "Shh, Iida-kun, let them have this," Uraraka whispered to him.

"Quick, snap some photos!" Kirishima whisper-yelled, as Sero got out his phone to take pics. "Oh man, Bakugou is gonna kill you guys for that!" Kaminari yelled. "Not if we have this blackmail!" Mina responded, pulling out her phone to take photos as well.

And thus, the rest of Class 1-A retired into their dorms, sleeping the night away. But on this Halloween night, Todoroki and Bakugou had each other. 

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