|3|All You Have Is Today

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Yesterday was a song already sung
Tomorrow, who knows, may never come,
All you have is today's treasure
To find and use beyond measure.

Yesterday was a story already written,
Tomorrow's plans are always hidden
All you have is the path of today
To tread on and discover its way.

Yesterday was a page already turned
Tomorrow, that page might well be burned
All you have is today's mystery
To uncover and create history.

Yesterday was a prayer already uttered,
Tomorrow, words may come out stuttered.
All you have is today's imperfections
To change into life's deepest connections.


Hey my dear readers, this poem is one of my personal favourites and close to my heart. It just came to me one day when I was sitting all by myself. I'm sure poets will relate to that.

So, again a reminder, requests are open (please refer to Author's Note) and do continue to shower your love and support for my works and support all poets in the world because our community is a very small one.

Until next time,
Love always,

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