Getting Camp Half-Blood Back Together (A Percy Jackson Crossover)

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Hecate, the Goddess of magic, looked up from the IM message that was displaying the recent events and at the two indentical boys standing nervously in front of her.

"You ask a lot young demigods." She stated. Her voice echoed profoundly throughout the cold dark throne room, crisp with an unidentified emotion. "Are you sure you want this? Once it happened there is no going back."

The brother demigods looked at each other as if having a silent discussion. They wore an almost identical outfit, blue jeans and an orange T shirt that had the faded letters CHB, printed on it. They each wore sneakers that had small little wings sticking out-a gift from their father Hermes. Around their necks they wore a necklace, each with seven beads. The only thing not identical was the amount of sadness in the olders eyes, as if the one thing he cared most about had suddenly been taken from him.

"Yes." They said simultaneously.

"Very well then." Hecate stood from her throne, which was delicately designed with ancient symbols of Magic. "I, Hecate, Goddess of Magic give you two my blessing!"

The boys began to glow a bright purple filling the dark room with little light. A look of Panic flashed across the youngers face but just as fast it was gone and replaced by a blissful smile.

"Now for the tricky part." Hecate said rolling back the sleeves of her midnight blue robe. Slowly she started chanting gradually growing in volume, ancient Greek words filled the chamber echoing around the demigods.

Suddenly with a bright flash, the two boys apperances changed completely. The once sandy-blonde, blue eyed demigods were now red headed, freckled twins. Hecate collasped back in her chair as the boys admired the apperances and high fived.

"It is done." Hecate annouced exhausted. "I have manipulated the mist thick around a small wizarding family, so thick they will believe you are their sons. They will teach you to use your new magical abilities. But be warned young demigods, though your family will be poor they have big hearts and not all purely magic families will have that. You will meet your family outside. In the Summers you will attend my wizarding school, Hogwarts. Try not to blow it up."

"Thank you, Lady Hecate!" The older of the two boys said. There was a wide smile and a mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes, one that had been missing for so long.They bowed deeply.

"One more thing, Sons of Hermes, " Hecate said. "I have changed your names to Fred and George. For now you will be only wizard, so no monster attacks or sacrificing food. You may keep your winged shoes and swords and those beaded necklaces,  but you may only stay wizard if you are together, every two days. As soon as 48 hours are up if you haven't touched the mist will become unraveled."

They both nodded eagerly, their new copper hair bouncing around. "Thank you Lady Hecate!" They said again.

She dismissed them with a wave of her hand and the ran from the room. She listened amused to their childish laughter that had not been heard in her Throne room for a very long time. Hecate sighed. She was not normally so kind to demigods, but those two sons of Hermes had aided her with a very special theft.

Hecate glanced back at the mist. All the demigods had faced many challenges of late. Especially since the camps were now disbanded. Aprophdite was still crying over Percabeth, too. The images flickered back to the beginning; the start of the problems...

The Giants War. Well the end actually. When Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Octivian the augur, and Predator Reyna all charged Gaea. Mother Earth swung her dirt club attempting the stop the one person who could stop her, Percy Jackson. She didn't expect Octivian to jump in the way.

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