Chapter 2: Supreme Comander of the Argo ll

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Leo knew when he woke up that morning that it was not going to be a good day for him.

For one thing he woke up covered in sweat and he couldn't breath. He couldn't remember what the nightmare was about but two lines repeated in his head.

"A call for help on a lonely shore, a pain so deep only time's a cure."

It was about Calypso. He just knew it. He would be with her right now if it hadn't been for Percy. He pulled back the covers and walked to the bathroom. His clock told him it was only 3:25 but he knew he wasnt getting back to sleep.

He turned on the faucet and splashed cold water into his face then he dried it with a towel. He looked at the mirror seeing the same boy who had discovered Bunker 9 all those years ago, who'd been the comedy relief when his friends got stressed, who'd been stuck at the Wilderness School, who'd smiled so much it looked permanent.

He wasn't smiling now.

Black bags hung around his eyes from lack of sleep. His hair was curly and unkept. A picture of Calypso formed in his mind, cuasing his eyes to look much sadder than he already looked. Why was it every time he found something to love it was ripped cruelly from him?

He pondered this as he got a T shirt from his drawer. underneath it revealed to be something he wished to forget. Something that plagued him everyday for the past year. Something that made him cry everytime he saw it.

CHB was printed nice and neat on the orange fabric.

"Mr. Valdez?" Leo jumped furiously wiping tears from his eyes. He never got use to Jarvis, Tony's robtic butler, who was least to say his best friend since he got here.

"Yes Jarvis?" Leo said keeping the quiver from his voice. "If its about the body, than I'm almost done,  I just need to check the programing to make sure you're functions would stay connected-"

"Splendid sir! but it appears that Tony would require more coffee, and Thor has eaten through the last of his poptarts and I would not like to in the kitchen when he finds out. Last time I nearly was short circuited" Leo snorted. He often found machines to be better company than the Avengers were. Natasha, Black Widow, gave him the creeps, Clint, Hawkeye, wasn't friendly or a morning person, Bruce, The Hulk, spent more time with his test tubes than with the others, Steve, Captain America,  was constantly making references to his time period none of which Leo ever understood, and Tony Stark still treated him like a kid and used him only for running errands. Thor was rarely ever there but even then he only told stories of great heroes. Leo tried to stay away from him because he often told stories of Percy's great adventures even though he was Greek and not Norse.

"Right Jarvis. Get me a list I'll go stop by Walmart. " Leo said changing.

"Sir it is currently 3:54. Are you sure you wish to go out this early?"

"Would you like to be short circuited or not?" Leo asked amused by the computer. "That's what I thought. Please let Pepper know where I went."

"Of course Sir. Anything else?"

"No, thanks." Leo stuffed a handful of darcamas into his pockets along with his wallet that included an Avengers credit card. He packed a bag of water and tossed in a couple books, Written in Greek, and  then he strapped his beloved tool belt around his waist. When he thought he was ready he grabbed his blackberry. He'd manage to work with Hermes and monster proof his phone. Jarvis had downloaded the list of supplies they needed. Popcorn for Clint and Rocky Rock ice cream for Natasha,  had also joined the list. He groaned.

------------------(Time Laspe)-------------

Leo pushed into the Stark Towers lobby grumbling about the long wait and about how at least seventeen more items had made the list before he made it to the store. He set the white bags on the floor of the elevator as it ascended. He streched his fingers getting the cramps, from carrying the bags, out. The elevator music was just as bad as it had always been as he waited patiently for the doors to open.

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