Chapter 6: Leo Gets Hospitalized

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Special Dedication to @Read_Write_hope! The correct answer was.....We'll I guess you'll have to keep reading to find out! (Ps, it's not in this chapter)

Leo held his breath as pain shot through his side again. He slowly let it go. His side burned like Hades. He didn't know why, but because nectar and ambrosia weren't working.

"Valdez, are you okay?" Jason asked as he scanned the sign with all the levels. Leo nodded, not that Jason could see, and continued looking for any sign of any monsters. "You know I can't see if you nodded or not."

Leo forced a smile and turned back to Jason. "Yep, of course!"

"Really, because you keep gripping your side."

Leo frowned. "Oh that you can see, but you can't see me nod my head?"

"No it's just-corner of my- Hey! Stop changing the subject!" Jason tugged at Leo's arm. "Forget it, I can't find her room. We better ask for directions."

Jason led the way through the crowd of strangly dressed people, to the elevators and pressed a button. Leo wasn't really paying attention, he was focused on making sure he looked like he was okay. Keeping the sweat of his face, keeping the gasping to a minimum...It was a full time job.

How would Jason think of him if he knew he'd let a stupid empousa poison him? Okay he'd probably force Leo to get it looked at, which is where his problems started. Leo, the hot, sizzling, bad boy and sterile white hospitals filled with sick people who can't move if there's a fire, don't really mix...

Jason stood in a line of people, some of whom were extremely weirdly dressed. A lady with a folded and worn witch hat stood in the from of the line, looking bored. She was dressed like she was in costume for Halloween and forgot to change for like twenty years.

Leo couldn't hear what most of the people were saying but the occasional "NEXT!" could be heard like every five seconds. Finally, just when Leo thought he was going to lose it the couple in front of them walked up.

"My boyfriend thinks he's a frog." The woman said shooting the guy a concerned look.

The guy made a series of croakes and groans that were actually quite impressive. The ladies shared a look.

"Uh...we've never had a case like this..." The lady said yawning. "Try spell Damage, fourth floor."



Jason and Leo shared a look.The guy made some more reproachful ribbits and the lost couple wandered off. The lady looked them over in disproving.

"We're looking for Hazel Levesque." Jason said.

The lady's eyes trained on Leo. "No, what you should be looking for is medical help."


"I have no idea what you are talking about." Leo lied. "Hazel Levesque, please."

"Empousa poisoning." She said bluntly. "You're a demigod."

"Excuse me?"

"Nurse! We've got a twenty-two-fourteen!" The lady screamed suddenly filled with energy. "Twenty-two-fourteen!"

Before you could say, What the Hades, Leo was being dragged away by four heavily built doctors of sorts. His head slammed against the tile scattering his thoughts like pinballs. Jason had been decked by another guy wearing swabs and a sterile mask. His golden coin sword rolled away like any other cent dropping the floor.

Leo didn't realize he was on fire until the smoke alarms started blaring and the water sprinklers mounted to the ceilings rained down on him like bullets. People were running everywhere. Some were screaming others were crying. Most were running for the doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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