Chapter 4: Wisegirl

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Thalia Grace walked down a seemingly endless street of identical houses. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She was tense. Something didn't feel right.

But Thalia knew it wasn't because of a monster. It was because of this town.

Something was very wrong about this place. Trust, Annabeth to come here. She had had a very eventful trip here. More so than normal for a child of the big three. She had taken a train but half way down it had been attacked by a bunch of Griffins. Then she managed to snag a cab that was flipped by a venti. Then finally she tossed one of her darchamas into the road and got the Three blind Gray sisters to give her a ride to Crystal Cove. And while Thalia hung to the tattered taxi seat, as the Gray sisters scrambled about fighting for their one eye, Thalia tried to figure out how to tell Annabeth.

She still hasn't figured it out.

Thalia stopped in front of the house she was looking for and checked the house number with the fading scribbling on her hand. Rachel said she was positive this is where Annabeth was staying.

Thalia stood unsure of what to do. How could she tell her best friend-

She didn't get a chance to finish that statement. A green-blue van whipped around the corner nearly running her over. Thalia dove to the sidewalk, cursing the driver in Greek.

Suddenly a scream pierced the air in the direction the van had disappeared in. Thalia but her lip arguing between getting Annabeth and seeing who had screamed. Seconds later, Thalia was bounding down the street looking for the spice of that screaming. It's a good thing, too. Not that Thalia knew at the time but the girl who had screamed was the same one she was looking for.

Thalia raced along the sidewalk, whipping around the corner. She stopped short of the group around the old mansion where the van had stopped at the occupants staring frightfully up at the top of the building along with many other citizens.

Thalia stood in shock for a minute trying to figure out exactly what was on top of the building. Whatever it was it had tentacles around a squid like and wore a robe that looked, in mortal terms, "other worldly". In other words- some mortal had tried dressing up as an alien and was trying to throw a girl off the building.

Thalia heard a mortal say something like "She wasn't suppose to be alone!"

"Chargargathucan is going to, like, throw her off the building!" Another one said. Who in Hades, names these people?

Thalia gasped straining to make out the features on the girl. Instantly she notched an arrow. Thalia Grace did not electrocute a herd of Griffins, battle a venti, and take a Gray sister's cab just to have the person she was going to meet die because a mortal threw her off a stereotypical abandoned mansion.

The girl screamed as she was tossed into the air. Thalia let the arrow fly, praying to Artemis, even though she was still mad at her, and Apollo, to help her arrow hit it's target.

Maybe it was luck, maybe it was Artemis helping her, but the arrows golden tip embedded itself in the shingles cutting right through the sleeve on the owl jacket the girl was wearing bringing the daughter of Athena's fall to a stop.

Everyone gasped and Thalia let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding. The alien thing (Thalia didn't know how to even pronounce the name) shrieked in anger.

Suddenly one of the guys, the driver of the van, yelled out and pressed a button on a remote control. Thalia watched in amazement as the floor underneath the "alien" ejected him like it was a spring board sending backwards through a series of highly improbable working traps until it was finally caught, much to her astonishment.

Getting Camp Half-Blood Back Together (A Percy Jackson Crossover)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz