Scary tools but not scary people

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Ben's POV: "here silver put this on" I handed silver one of the two lab coats Miss Emily had sent us for some reason "okay but why" "hoodie needs advice" I put on the other lab coat "advice about what" "I'm not sure, anyways you're the psychologist" "then what are you" "the psychiatrist" "are they not the same thing".

Hoodie's POV: "what are you two doing, I just need to ask a simple question" "I'm your psychiatrist" "and I'm the psychologist" "what's the difference" "we don't know" "anyways you two, I have a cut on my arm and I'm contemplating whether or not to see jack" "let's see what the assistant thinks" "ababa ba!" "Your assistant doesn't even speak English" "umm he's foreign" "really, anyways I don't think seeing Jack is worth the risk".

Silver's POV: "hoodie, your forehead feels hot, I think you should see Jack" "well the psychiatrist thinks you should not see Jack, it's just a cut it'll heal on it's own" "but his forehead is hot, that's bad" "let's see if the assistant thinks it's bad" "your assistant wears a diaper" "hey, he's incontinent" "then look at your assistant's notes" "notes" "he's been drawing on that piece of paper the entire time" I looked at the baby's drawing it was a drawing of Jack's mask with the name Jack written underneath, that is one smart baby "hoodie are you feeling okay" "no" "you need to see Jack, he can help you" "but it's going to hurt". I do not understand, what is going to hurt, what is Jack going to do to hoodie, he would not hurt him... right? "Ben, hoodie needs to see Jack, he is not going to get better if he chooses not to see Jack" "let's see what the assistant thinks" "the assistant fell asleep" "hey, he's an insomniac, we'll just have to wait until he wakes up" "look at his drawing, even he thinks that hoodie should see Jack" "what are you boys doing".

Unknown to the boys, eyeless Jack had been watching them play for awhile, he was in his room when he heard them say his name and then he noticed that they were playing a game.

Eyeless Jack's POV: "hoodie you feel warm, all three of you come with me" "no" "we will discuss this later ben, you can stay in here if you wish" "can I come" "of course silver". I carried hoodie and led silver to my room, "your not going to hurt him, are you Jack" "what I need to do in order to make him feel better may hurt, but I have no intentions to harm him" "good, here hoodie you can sit next to me" "thanks silver" "well since your dressed like a doctor silver, you can help me" "but I don't know how to do any of that stuff" "it's simple all I have to do is clean and bandage the cut, then give hoodie some fever reducer, and give you both an injection" "why does silver need one" "his vaccination records show that he's due for one" "Jack" "yes silver" "what's an injection" "here, see the syringe in my hand" "that looks scary, does it hurt?" "Yes it does, but not very much, okay kiddo" "no not okay" he teleported away "well I'll finish up with you first, then I'll find him" "silver's in his room, he always teleports there" "okay, I'm going to clean and bandage your cut" "ow! It stings!" "Okay that's done, take this" "yuck! That tastes awful!" "I know, sorry, now for the shot" "okay....ouch!" "That's a good boy, all done, now to find silver".

Silver's POV: "silver can I come in" "sure" "thank you, now for your injection" "no Jack!,I'm scared" "I know just hold still" "ouch! ow!" "There all done, do you want a hug?" "Yes please, thank you".

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